Page 83 of Melinda's Choice

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Me:Goodnight, and thank you for your concern.

I smile as I put away my communicator.

“Who has put this smile on your face?” growls Kirimor.

“Kiristen was just enquiring about my evening, wanting to make sure all was well with me.”

He smiles proudly. “I have brought him up well.”

“Yes, he’s a lovely young man. You can be justly proud of him. All your children, actually. They are so kind and respectful.”

He comes to sit beside me on the bed. “I have been truly blessed.”

“You are very lucky, Kirimor.”

He pulls me into his arms and wraps his tail around my waist. I’m getting used to being held like this. “Did you never want any children of your own, Melinda?”

“We talked about it, Wyatt and I, but the time was never right. My job is all consuming.”

“Any regrets?”

“Sometimes. But there’s no point crying over the past.”

“You could still have one, my lovely. It is not too late.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“I am not suggesting, my love, merely stating. If you wish to have a child with me, I am more than willing.”

I have a sudden urge to laugh. Kirimor senses my mirth and frowns. “You think this is a laughing matter?”

“No, but I can’t help but laugh. This is the second time in as many months that someone has offered to father a child with me.”

“Your mate on Earth?”

“Yes, last time I saw him.”

“And you said no.”

“I’ve told you, Kirimor. My career comes first. I wasn’t about to shelve the opportunity to be Earth’s first ambassador to Krovatia just to have a child.”

“You do yourself a disservice, Melinda, when you talk about yourself like that.”

“It’s the truth. My job comes first.”

“No, it does not.” He puts a hand to my cheek, turning me to face him. “Do not lie to yourself, my love. I have seen you with Kiritela and Kirishar. You glow with maternal affection. You want a child, but you do not want one with Wyatt.”

“And what? You think I’d want one with you? Why would I choose you over the man I’ve known, loved and trusted for decades? Hmm?”

“Because he is not the right man for you. I am.”

“Ha!” I huff, not at all impressed with his smug tone. “Don’t you think five kids is more than enough for one person?”

“It is plentiful, and I am truly blessed. But I am not averse to more. That is what I told Pirofena when she became my drasha not long ago.”

I get to my feet, spitting with fury. “Don’t tell me you’ve got her pregnant too?”

His tail pulls me back to the bed. “No. It is too soon, and I have to be sure of my drasha before I let that happen.”
