Page 88 of Melinda's Choice

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She grins. “It is!”

I don’t know what stupid impulse makes me ask the following question. “You have no plans to fuck any handsome men on Lirisor?”

“I will not say no if one comes my way. I like a good cock now and then.”

“I’m sure most males would resent being objectified to just one part of their anatomy. There is more to us than just that.”

She takes her time, running her gaze along my body. I’m surprised to realize that our banter has made me semi-hard, a fact that does not escape her notice. “Yes,” she says, “there are many delicious parts to a male’s body, but a cock is the most interesting of them all.”

I breathe in sharply, trying to regroup. I can only ascribe my arousal to the fact it’s been a long time since I’ve had sex, and to the explicit nature of our conversation. But we are here to talk business. And I’m not about to forget the reason why I’m doing all this—so I can be with Mel again.

“Well Rivlor, if profit is what interests you, then I believe we can do business together.”

She smiles wryly at the shift in the conversation. “Very well, Wyatt. Let us explore this further. I believe it would be best to do so on my ship.” She stands. “Come. Let us go there now.”

I pale. “Go to your ship?”

She looks at me in confusion. “Where else?”

“Can it not wait?”

She puts her hands on her hips. “Look Wyatt. Either you are serious about this business plan or you are not. I will be leaving in two rotations’ time.” She holds out two fingers to make her point. “There is no time to be lost. I have negotiations with other suppliers, so if you are not willing to come with me now, then there can be no deal.”

“I am serious. It’s just… I need time to prepare.”

“Just bring yourself. No preparation is required.”

“You don’t understand. There are personal reasons why I need time.”

She quirks an impatient brow. “What reasons?”

I take a deep breath and blurt out, “I have a fear of flying.”

She is lost for words, eyeing me in shocked silence. Finally, she mutters, “Let me get this straight. You wish to start a business that involves you flying on a space ship, but you are fearful of flying?”


“Are you mad?”

I laugh mirthlessly. “No, just determined not to let fear rule my life.”

“I applaud you for your bravery Wyatt, but this seems like too big a jump to take surely.”

“I can do it. Failure is not an option.”

She looks at me sceptically. “In that case, come with me now. Show me you can do it.”

I nod sharply. “Ok.”

She picks up her empty glass and struts out of my study to the kitchen, where she rinses it out. I follow her with mine, and she takes it from me to give it a clean. Wiping her hands on a dish towel, she confronts me. “So, are you ready?”

“Yeah, let me just get a paper bag.”

She doesn’t bother to ask why I need it, but strides to the front door and waits for me there. I make a detour into the downstairs restroom and splash my face with cold water. My hands shake as I towel dry.Shit, shit, shit. I look myself in the mirror, then I say to my reflection, “You can do this.”

Heart pounding, I walk out of the bathroom, grab a newly purchased stash of paper bags, then head to the door. Without a word, we step outside. The late summer sun casts a warm glow on my clammy body, as if to reassure me that everything will be alright. A drone awaits us on the other side of the road. We cross to it, my legs weak as butter. Rivlor holds the door open, waiting for me to climb in. Taking a deep breath, I step into the aircraft and busy myself with the safety belt, trying to keep myself distracted.

I feel her eyes on me, but I don’t have the bandwidth to engage in any conversation. I hold the paper bag up to my mouth and breathe deeply. There is nausea, but not as much as before, thank God. I retch a little as the drone engine fires up. Soon, I feel the drop in my stomach as we rise into the air.Just breathe. Droplets of sweat bead on my forehead.I can do this. I can do this.
