Page 43 of Quadruple Daddy

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The doctor took us down to where the babies were being kept. They were all in the same room near each other, but soon they would be separated and that made me sad, even though I was happy our girls were doing well and able to come home soon.

A nurse was there to help us and picked up little Ariana first. Bella was already reaching out, ready to take her, and as soon as the baby was in her arms, Bella’s entire body relaxed and her face lit up.

Once Ariana was settled with Bella, the nurse handed Lucia to me.

““I still can’t get over how tiny they are,” Bella said, cooing at our little girl.

“I know,” I agreed, looking down at Lucy.

We took seats next to each other and sat in silence for a long time, just admiring the beauty of our babies.

“Her hands are so small,” Bella said.

“I know,” I showed her where Lucy’s fingers were trying to wrap around one of my own.

“I love them so much.”

“Me too.”

I glanced over at the other two babies, my sons. They were still in the incubators. We had been able to hold them, but for shorter periods than with the girls. I hoped they never felt neglected. We talked to them as much as possible.

Bella was also looking over at them. “I hope Vincent’s heart continues to heal on its own, I really don’t want him to go through such a major surgery. He’s just too tiny.”

“Me too.”I whispered.

Lucy let out a small whimper in my arms, her delicate face twisted into the cutest little expression as she fussed a bit. Bella cooed at her, “Oh sweet girl, what’s the matter?” she said, speaking to Lucy in my arms.

“Maybe she’s hungry?”

And just then, my phone rang in my pocket. I wasn’t about to go digging it out, so I let it ring through, preferring to talk to my baby in my arms.

But then it rang again.

And again after that.

I briefly handed Lucy to the nurse so I could shut my phone off, pissed that someone was daring to ruin my special moment with my baby girls, even though the caller likely had no idea what we were doing.

I canceled the call. “It’s just Roman. I wish he would get a hint and leave us the fuck, err, leave us alone.” I looked at the nurse and the babies. I would have to rein in my swearing. They were obviously too young to pick up on it, but as they got older, I didn’t want them taking on my bad habits.

The nurse handed Lucy back to me once my phone was off.

“Do you think it was about your dad?” Bella asked.

I shrugged. “Maybe. Probably. Who the heck knows.”

I knew that my dad was dying, and at any time I could get the call telling me that he was gone. Maybe that’s why Roman was being so persistent. I didn’t want to think about it though, not during such a special moment with my daughters.

“You know, if you want to visit him you can.”

I looked over at Bella. I had never mentioned wanting to visit my dad. We’d been estranged for years, and it had never even crossed my mind.

“I haven’t seen my dad in over five years, and before that, only briefly. It’s been like ten years since we spent any real time together. I don’t think running to his side during his last moments on earth is necessary.”

Bella’s brow furrowed. I knew that look.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Like I said, I don’t have a relationship with my dad, and right now, I just want to focus on my children.”

Bella didn’t argue with me, and I was grateful for that.
