Page 51 of Quadruple Daddy

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That afternoon,we met with the doctors to discuss our little boys. Bella had Ari and I had Lucy strapped to my chest as we waited for the doctor to update us on their brothers.

“So Vincent is still not well enough to go home,” the doctor said.

Even though I was expecting those words, they still stung. The boys had been in the hospital in what felt like forever. I couldn’t wait to have our entire family home under one roof.

“But Elio is doing very well, he’s finally put on enough weight that I think he could be released next week.”

Now that was music to my ears.

“Really? You think he’s strong enough?”

“I do,” the doctor said. “We still want him to put on a few more ounces, but at this rate, I don’t think it will be an issue.”

“Wow, that’s amazing news,” Bella said, smiling at me. “Do we have any idea about when Vincent could be allowed to come home or if he’s going to need surgery?”

“I talked to the heart specialist this morning before our appointment, and he told me that his heart is healing on its own. Right now, he doesn’t think he will need surgery, but it’s still too early to tell. As far as a timeline for when he could come home… it really isn’t clear, I’m afraid. I think he will need at least another few weeks in the NICU.”

Bella’s smile wavered a bit. Ari made a noise and she turned her attention to the baby. I knew it killed her, as much as it did me, not to have all four of our children home with us.

I reached out and squeezed her hand. “Soon, sweetie.”

“I know,” she said. “And then we will have our hands full.”

“Yes, most certainly,” the doctor said with a chuckle.

We thanked him and left the medical center. All morning and afternoon, I had been thinking about what Bella and Dante had said about my dad. As soon as we were in the car and the girls were buckled in, I turned to Bella and said, “Since things are going so well, and the boys seem to be stable, I was thinking of heading to Chicago tomorrow, if that’s okay with you?”

Bella nodded. “Of course it is, Gabe. Like I told you, we have plenty of hands on deck, we will be fine for a day or two.”

“Just a day,” I clarified. “I will leave early in the morning and be back by dinner time.”

She smiled gently at me. “You know you can take all the time you need.”

“That is all the time I need. I’m needed more back here, with my family.”

I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it before starting the car and heading for home. Once there, I messaged both Ava and Dante to let them know the plan.



It had been a long day already with the doctor, Gabe’s dad, and Ava returning from seeing him for the last time. I was thinking of rescheduling the call with Charles, but Gabe encouraged me to keep the appointment since I was finally getting to meet his wife, and potentially my birth mother, for the first time.

When the phone rang, I nearly jumped out of my skin. With shaking hands, I answered the call and it went straight to video.

Staring back at me was Charles and his wife, Brenda. As soon as I laid eyes on her, I let out an audible gasp.

That’s where I got my curly, red hair from, I thought to myself. She looked just like an older version of me, hair and all.

She must have thought the same thing because tears welled up in her eyes and she covered her mouth in surprise.

“See, honey, I told you,” Charles whispered to his wife. “I told you that she was our Bella.”

I didn’t want to get any of our hopes up but seeing her was yet another piece of the puzzle that seemed to fit. It all added up to mean one thing and one thing only—that they were my parents.

When she uncovered her mouth and stared back at the camera, I noticed we both had the same birthmark near our lip. Jesus, could it be more obvious?
