Page 79 of Quadruple Daddy

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The men looked at us suspiciously. “We’re here to take over,” I said.

One of them, the shortest of the three, snorted. “Says who?”

“Says Tony,” I replied. “He told us to relieve the three of you.”

“Yeah, no, I’m not leaving unless I hear it from Tony himself,” the shorter man said, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking me straight in the eye. He was an entire foot shorter than me but had the balls to make up for it.

I looked at Roman off to my right, but before I could stop him, he lunged forward and grabbed the man closest to him. Dante grabbed the other guy, leaving me with Shorty.

“Fuck,” I muttered, knowing the gig was up as I lunged for the man. He had a knife in hand already, which I had to grab. We fought for a moment as I covered his mouth, to prevent him from screaming. The knife fell to the floor with a clatter and I kicked it away, out of reach, as I wrapped my arm around the man’s neck.

Roman had stabbed his guy, who was now slumped over on the floor and bleeding out. Ruthless, I thought, but I knew that about him. He came over, picking up the knife from the floor I had kicked aside and forced it into Shorty’s gut while I kept a grip on his mouth, to prevent him from making any sounds.

“I know you didn’t want any casualties,” Roman said. “But we have to act fast. There are cameras all over this hallway.”

I knew he was right. The man went limp in my arms. Dante had put his man down as well.

I went for the door and found it locked, the knob refusing to turn. Roman said, “Here!” and tossed me some keys from one of the guards. I slipped the key into the lock and opened the door, quickly stepping inside, not wanting the nanny to see the mayhem waiting outside in the hallway.

My brothers did the same.

The nanny turned and looked at us with a curious expression, but my eyes were on the cribs. My girls. They were there, sleeping peacefully. I hurried toward them.

“Is everything okay?” the nanny asked.

I looked back at Roman and shook my head, reminding him that we didn’t hurt innocents. This woman was likely unarmed, maybe she didn’t even know why she was there or whose children they were.

“Yes, Tony just wants us to move the girls,” I said. “He fears it’s no longer safe here.”

“No longer safe? From whom?” she asked.

I couldn’t even be bothered to answer. I stood over one of the girl’s cribs and stared down at her. Lucy. My sweet Lucy. I reached for her just as I felt something poking into my back.

“Step away from her,” the nanny’s voice said.

I glanced behind me as she said, “I have a gun pointed to your lower back,” her voice calm, but serious. “And I’m not afraid to pull the trigger.”

“Shit,” I muttered to myself. Not because I feared that this woman would kill me, but I knew what my brothers would do to her. “Go easy on her, will you, Roman?”

There was some fumbling behind me, a muffled scream, then silence as I picked Lucy up into my arms and held her against my chest. She opened her eyes and fussed, but quieted when she saw me. I liked to think that she knew she was with her father.

Dante handed me one of the bulletproof vests we had brought to wrap them in. She fussed again as I covered her. “I know, I know, baby girl, but it’s only to get you out of here.”

I looked over and Dante was with Ari, doing the same with her. Soon, we’d all be together again.

I turned around to find the nanny on the ground. I raised an eyebrow at Roman. “She’s just unconscious, I didn’t kill her,” he said.

I had to believe him, there was no time to check. We moved toward the door, knowing that the hard part was likely still ahead of us. As soon as we stepped into the hallway, Tony turned the corner and was staring right at us. He wasn’t alone. There were about five other guards directly behind him, all armed to the teeth.

“Didn’t think you would get away that easily, did you?” he asked.

“Nothing about this has been easy, Tony,” I said. “We gave you what you wanted, we signed over the property, we held up our end of the deal. You didn’t, so we came to fulfill your end of the bargain.”

Tony stepped forward, the men with him followed.

“We do not want trouble,” I said.

“You brought trouble when you entered my house,” he said.
