Page 11 of Hunt me Darling

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Something doesn’t feel right about these two men. Their demeanor and casual intrusion raises suspicion within me. They didn't introduce themselves voluntarily, so I decide to take the initiative.

"Let’s try that again, I'm Agent Darling," I state firmly, taking a step closer to the man with the knife. "And you are?"

The man smirks, his gaze shifting back to the apple he is effortlessly slicing. "Agent Thomas Decker," he replies, his voice dripping with a smugness that only intensifies my suspicion.

"And I'm Agent Darius Travis," the other man near the murder board chimes in, his tone devoid of any warmth. He doesn’t bother looking away from the photographs and evidence spread out before him.

I couldn't shake off the feeling that these two are not here to genuinely assist with the case. Their behavior and lack of professionalism signals a different motive—one that seems focused on prying into our investigation rather than aiding it.

"What brings you here, Agents Decker and Travis?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at them.

Agent Decker puts down the knife, his gaze finally meeting mine with a calculated intensity. "Oh, we're just curious," he replies with a smirk. "Word spreads fast about high-profile cases like this one. We thought we'd come and have a look for ourselves."

His nonchalance grates on my nerves, and I couldn't help but feel that they were encroaching on our territory. The investigation had become deeply personal to me, and I didn't appreciate their intrusion or their dismissive attitude.

"This is an ongoing investigation," I assert firmly, my voice filled with authority. "If you're not here to provide meaningful assistance, I suggest you leave. We have no time for distractions."

Agent Travis finally tears his gaze away from the murder board, his eyes narrowing at me. "You should watch your tone, Agent Darling," he retorts coldly.

I stand my ground, refusing to back down in the face of their intimidating presence. "I'll watch my tone when I'm dealing with professionals who are genuinely interested in solving this case," I shoot back, my voice laced with defiance.

Agent Decker chuckles, his smirk widening. "You've got some fire in you, Agent Darling. I like that," he says, leaning back in the chair with a casual arrogance. "But don't worry, we won't get in your way. We're just here to observe."

Their words do little to alleviate my concerns. I have no reason to trust them, especially with their vague explanations and unknown intentions. Their presence feels like a threat, an unwelcome intrusion into a case that demanded the utmost focus and dedication.

"Well, your observation skills won't be needed here," I reply icily. "This investigation is under my jurisdiction, and I won't tolerate any interference. If you're not here to assist, then I suggest you leave immediately."

Agent Travis' cold gaze bore into mine, his eyes filled with a mix of disdain and curiosity. "We'll be watching," he states, his voice carrying a warning. "You might find our observations more valuable than you think."

I don’t have time for their mind games or veiled threats. I need to protect the integrity of the investigation and the well-being of the victims. It is clear that dealing with these two would require careful navigation.

"I appreciate your concern, but I assure you, I have everything under control," I reply, my tone firm and unwavering. "If you have any relevant information or resources to offer, feel free to share. Otherwise, I expect you to respect the boundaries of this investigation."

Agent Decker pushes himself off the chair, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and challenge. "We'll see how long that control lasts," he remarks cryptically before heading towards the exit. Agent Travis follows suit, his gaze lingering on me for a moment longer before he turns away.

As the door closes behind them, I couldn't shake off the unsettling feeling that their presence is a harbinger of more complications to come. I know I have to stay focused, not only on the case itself but also on protecting myself from any potential threats lurking in the shadows.

Taking a deep breath I put my breakfast on the table along with my phone and turn towards the murder board of our recent victim. I need to make sure everything is still intact and that Agents Decker and Travis hadn’t messed with the board before I arrived.

Running my eyes over it I can tell that nothing changed, everything is where it should be. I let out a sigh of relief. Then my phone buzzes behind me.

My heart races as I cautiously approach the table, fearing what I might find. Picking up the phone, I unlock it and see a new message notification.

I swallow hard, my hands trembling slightly as I open the message. It is from them, and this time the message is accompanied by a photo. I hesitate for a moment before opening the photo, bracing myself for what I might see.

The image that greets me makes me sit heavily in the chair. It is a photo of me, naked, in my shower only this morning, taken from inside the house. It was taken at the exact moment my orgasm crashed over me. My head was tilted back with my eyes closed and my mouth was open as I had cried out. There is no mistaking the look of pleasure or the sight of my fingers on my own pussy.

My whole body flushes hot and my stomach drops as I realizethat they watched me again, invading my most private moments. How had they managed to get so close without me noticing?

With a trembling hand I close the photo and look at the accompanying message.

Holy. Fuck.

My mind races, a mixture of anger, fear, and a strange sense of exhilaration flooding over me. The audacity of these murderers is beyond comprehension. But there is no denying the effect their twisted actions had on me, stirring a dangerous concoction of emotions within.

With a deep breath, I compose myself and decide to respond to their message. I need to let them know that I wouldn't cower from their tactics, even as their intrusion cuts through my defenses.

With still-trembling fingers, I type a response, carefully choosing my words.
