Page 29 of Hunt me Darling

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As the silence lingers, I feel the heaviness of her unspoken questions hanging in the air. It is a delicate dance, this game we play, where truth and deception intertwine.

I lean forward, my voice a low, seductive whisper. "Ask us another question, Little Darling," I encourage, a sinister smile playing at the corners of my lips though she can’t see it. "Delve into the darkest corners of your mind, and we shall meet you there."

I can sense the inner turmoil within her as she grapples with the questions that linger in her mind. Her curiosity battles against her apprehension, and I revel in the power we hold over her psyche. We are the embodiment of her darkest fantasies, the keepers of her deepest desires.

She takes a moment to compose herself, her gaze piercing as she considers her next words. The anticipation in the room is palpable, the air charged with a twisted energy that binds us together.

Finally, she speaks. "Tell me," she begins, her voice wavering only slightly, "what is it that draws you to your victims?”

Dare responds, his voice laced with a chilling allure. "Ah, Little Darling, you have all the information you need in the files we have provided. The reasons behind our choices, what makes us choose them, what makes us kill them, they are all there for you to discover.”

"Tick-tock, Little Darling," I interject, my voice a low, husky murmur. "Our time together is limited, and the night grows short. Ask your last question wisely."

I find myself intoxicated by the power play between us, the tantalizing dance around the edge of her boundaries. Each question she poses brings us closer to the precipice of our desires, a fragile thread connecting us in this macabre tapestry.

She pauses, her eyes flickering with uncertainty as she gathers her thoughts, ready to venture further into the depths of our twisted minds.

Finally, her question breaks the silence, cutting through the tension that hangs in the air. "What is it that you truly want from me?" Her voice is strong but there is a small tremble in it, revealing the vulnerability that lies beneath her defiant facade.

My smile gets wider behind my mask, my dark desires unfurling within me. "What we truly want from you, Little Darling," I respond, my voice a low, seductive murmur, "is to unravel the depths of your darkness, to awaken the beast that resides within. We want to witness your surrender, to see you embrace your own depravity with an insatiable hunger."

Dare leans forward, his voice a velvet caress. "We want to take you to the edge of ecstasy and madness, to push your boundaries until they shatter into a million delicious pieces. We want to be the ones who lead you down the twisted path, to create a symphony of twisted desires that consumes us all."

Her eyes widen, but I can see the curiosity flickering within them. It is a dangerous game we play, but she is drawn to it as much as we are. She is our muse, our canvas, and we are willing to explore the darkest recesses of her mind, to indulge in our shared fantasies.

I lean closer, my voice a whisper. "So, Little Darling, ask yourself this: Are you ready to embrace the darkness within, to surrender to the twisted desires that bind us together? Are you ready to become the embodiment of our shared madness?"

The room hangs heavy with anticipation as we wait for her response, the air crackling with the electricity of our forbidden desires. The game is reaching its climax, and we stand on the precipice, ready to plunge into the depths of our darkest passions together.

I can almost see the mental wall she is trying to rebuild in her mind before my eyes, the defiance and stubbornness winning out.

“You will not win against me, I will not let you break me.”

Her words hang in the air, a declaration of resistance that stirs a perverse thrill within me. I admire her strength, her unwavering determination to protect herself from the darkness that beckons. It is a challenge that ignites a twisted fire within me, one that fuels my desire to unravel her defenses, to witness her surrender.

Dare's laughter fills the room, his amusement holding dark undertones. He stands and moves towards her, a predatory grace in his every step. "Oh, Little Darling," he murmurs, his voice dripping with sinful promises, "breaking you is not our intention. But make no mistake, we will make you bend."

She remains defiant, her gaze unwavering, even as Dare looms over her. I observe their interaction with a twisted satisfaction.

With a final lingering look, Dare turns to me, his eyes filled with silent communication. Our time together draws to a close, and we both know it. It is time to retreat into the shadows.

I stand and move around to her other side, drawing her attention back to me. But it's a planned distraction, she doesn’t even see when Dare pulls out the syringe filled with a sedative. But she feels it when he injects her with it.

She is out within seconds, allowing us to untie her and carry her to her bed.

I watch as Dare gently lays her on the bed, tucking her in with care. Her body appears serene in slumber, a stark contrast to the fiery spirit she exhibited moments ago. We move around the room, securing the house, ensuring that no trace of our presence remains.

As we make our way towards the exit, I cast a final glance toward her bedroom where her sleeping form is, longing stirring within me. The minutes stretch before us, an eternity of waiting until we can see her again, until we can resume our twisted dance.

Outside, the night is cloaked in darkness, matching the shadows that live within us. I feel a thrill, a twisted satisfaction, knowing that we have left our mark upon her, imprinted our presence upon her very soul. She may resist, she may fight against the allure, but in the depths of her being, she craves the darkness that binds us together.

Chapter 16


I’mstartingtofeellike a failure to my FBI training. I need to stop letting them drug me. I wake up early from my deep, albeit drug-induced, sleep. Checking my phone there, I see there is still another hour until sunrise.

As the weight of our encounter lingers in the air, I take a deep breath, trying to gather myself. The conflicting emotions inside me churn, a mix of frustration and self-doubt. I have to push aside the disquieting thoughts and focus on the task at hand. Retrieving my laptop, I settle back into bed, the dim glow of the screen illuminating my face.
