Page 32 of Hunt me Darling

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His grip on my throat tightens, the pressure not quite cutting into my ability to speak or breathe freely, but enough to make me feel it every time I do. His other hand, still holding the blade, traces a tantalizing path along my exposed skin.

His voice lowers, a dangerous edge creeping into his tone. "Oh, but you've already allowed us to infiltrate your mind, Little Darling. You're drawn to the darkness, to the forbidden. You could be our Queen. Don't deny what your body is telling you."

As his words sink in, a part of me resists, screaming for self-preservation and logic. But another part, a part that I'm both ashamed of and intrigued by, yearns to explore the depths of this twisted dance.

My voice shakes as I speak, the words slipping out against my better judgment. "I want to know. I want to know the men beneath the masks, both of you. But I won't just give in to what you want. I won't lose myself to do that."

He leans closer, his mask brushing against my ear, his words a seductive whisper. He starts to trail the blade over the top of my breast. "Let me make you a promise, Little Darling. Giving in isn’t the path to losing yourself, it's the path to finding yourself. And once you taste the ecstasy that lies beyond fear, you will understand."

His words resonate within me, igniting a primal curiosity that pushes me closer to the edge. He is right, I am drawn to their darkness. I stand there, caught in the web of his allure, contemplating the choices that lie ahead.

There needs to be some give though, not all taking. I narrow my eyes at him in the mirror. “What would you give me? What do I get for letting you fuck me?”

He brushes the mask against my face again as he chuckles. “Always a negotiation, Little Darling.”

The knife scrapes a little closer against the skin of my breast and I let a soft hiss escape as he hums in response as though contemplating his answer.

“Since you like to play Truth or Dare, how about we give you two truths, like a bonus reward for being such a good girl, Little Darling. One truth from each of us outside of the game, within the rules of course.”

His proposition hangs in the air, tempting me with the promise of both knowledge and pleasure. I weigh the risks and rewards, the dangerous allure of their world against the potential answers that lie within their truths. The frustration of the investigation is wearing me down as the proposition repeats in my mind. Finally, I nod, my voice firm. "Alright, two truths.”

“Ask your first question, you can ask Truth the second one when you see him. Make them count, Little Darling.”

So this is Dare. I can never tell which one I am dealing with at any given time, they like to disorientate and confuse me.

My mind is working through options as fast as it could. What could I ask that would give me information that mattered? I don’t need information on the victims, they already provided that with the USB. And I hadn’t looked at the files enough to know if they also disclosed more detail on how deep the corruption goes. It needs to be something they wouldn’t have already provided. “How did you two first meet and come to know each other?”

He tilts his head as he gazes at me and I can’t decipher the look in his eyes. “I don’t think you really thought that one through, Little Darling. There is no big story of how we first met that you can track down the details. We are brothers, technically we met when our whore of a mother gave birth to Truth.”

He's right, I hadn’t thought that would be an option, but at least now I know he is the older of the two, and obviously the more dominant. The shot-caller as it were. I need to add that to the very small list of things I actually know about them.

There are so many things I need to do and not do. But instead, my body bends forward as I press myself against the blade in front of me, my ass moving against his hard cock.

If a small part of my brain thought for even a second that he may move the blade when I pressed forward, then I would have called that part of my brain out for its foolishness. I knew the type of man I was dealing with, so the bright red blood that wells up around where the blade cuts into my skin isn’t a surprise at all.

The groan that comes from him as a result has my pussy throbbing. The pain from the knife finally reaches my brain but it gets mixed up with the arousal I feel.

I brace myself against the conflicting sensations surging through my body, a mixture of pain and pleasure intertwining in a way that defies reason. The blood trickles down my skin, serving as a stark reminder of the dangerous game I'm willingly playing.

His grip on my throat slackens, his touch transforming from commanding to possessive as his gloved fingers trail down my neck, following the path of the blade. A dark hunger glimmers in his intense black eyes, mirroring the twisted desires that have awakened within me.

The room fills with a dangerous tension, a fragile balance between power and submission. The metallic tang of blood mingles with the heady scent of desire, creating a potent cocktail that fuels the intensity of the moment.

His gloved fingers connect with the cut on my chest, the pain throbbing through my body once more as he spreads the blood slowly on my skin, the color standing out starkly. He brings his blood covered hand back to wrap around my throat again, squeezing hard enough to cut off my air.

"Your actions have consequences, Little Darling," he growls with a feral intensity.

Meeting his heated gaze, I refuse to back down. A spark of defiance ignites within me. I understand the gravity of the situation, but I refuse to be intimidated.

"Place your hands on the sides of the counter," his command pierces the tense air, carrying a warning. "Do not move them, if you do, the consequences will be severe."

Without hesitation, I comply, gripping the edges of the counter tightly. My knuckles turn white as I brace myself for whatever lies ahead. At this moment, I am resolute, prepared to face the outcome of my choices head-on.

His hands move from in front of my body and grab my hips, moving my body backward. He presses a gloved hand to the center of my back and bends me forward, nudging my legs apart. I can still see everything in the mirror in front of me, so I watch the look of hunger enter his eyes as his hand trails along the skin on my back, looking at where he must have left more blood against my skin from his glove. “You look so pretty in this color, Little Darling.”

This time when the blade cuts through my skin, the pain hits me faster. But so does the pleasure. His fingers and the blade keep moving across my skin as I try not to pant with the arousal coursing through my body.

The blade cuts into the flesh of one of my ass cheeks and I whimper. His black eyes return to looking back at me with an intensity that makes my whole body feel like he's touching a raw nerve. “Every time you sit I want you to feel me, Little Darling. I want you to remember this moment.”
