Page 6 of Hunt me Darling

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Entering the house, I close the door behind me, leaning against it for a moment to gather my thoughts. Derek's words echo in my mind, reminding me of the importance of staying focused and cautious. Trusting outsiders, especially journalists, is a risk, but what if Tristan's intentions are genuine? What if he could provide valuable insights or uncover leads that we hadn't considered?

I pace around the living room, contemplating the pros and cons of involving Tristan in the investigation. On one hand, his perspective as an investigative journalist could shed light on aspects we might have overlooked. On the other hand, I understood Derek's concerns about leaks and distractions that could compromise our progress.

As I mull over the possibilities, my eyes land on the door leading to my sanctuary. I know beyond that door the victims' faces would stare back at me, their lives cut short by faceless killers. I couldn't ignore the weight of the responsibility on my shoulders. If there is a chance that Tristan's involvement could aid us, I couldn't dismiss it outright.

Feeling physically and mentally drained, I decide it is best to get some rest before diving back into the investigation. The encounters with both Derek and Tristan left me with a whirlwind of emotions, and I need time to process everything that happened.

I make my way to the bedroom, undress, and slip into my pajamas. The soft fabric provides a comforting sensation against my skin as I climb into bed. Despite the exhaustion, my mind continues to buzz with thoughts of Derek and Tristan. Their presence, their attractiveness, and the conflicting dynamics between them had stirred something within me.

As I lay in bed, my thoughts wander, and I find myself replaying their interaction in my mind. Images of Derek's intense eyes and Tristan's mischievous smile flash before me. The attraction I feel toward both of them, though unexpected, is undeniable.

My body, despite the fatigue, hums with energy. I couldn't help but let my hand travel down into my pajama bottoms, unashamedly using the images of Derek and Tristan that fill my imagination as fuel for my growing desire. The combination of exhaustion and arousal creates a heady mix.

The room is bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the gaps in the curtains. In the quiet semi darkness, my mind continues to replay the encounter with Derek and Tristan, their voices echoing in my head. I could vividly recall the way Derek's voice growled with protectiveness. And then there was Tristan, with his confident charm and persistent smile, his voice full of intrigue.

The images of their faces intertwine with my fantasies, fueling my arousal. I could visualize Derek's strong physique, his muscular shoulders and arms, his blue eyes filled with intensity. And Tristan, his slightly slimmer yet toned frame and mischievous green gaze, exuding a magnetic energy that drew me in.

As I replay the moments in my mind, my hand moves instinctively, my fingers tracing delicate patterns along my inner thighs. I allow my fingertips to venture further, teasingly grazing over the sensitive skin, as I succumb to the intoxicating sensations that envelope me. The warmth between my legs grows with each of my touches, a delicious ache that demands attention.

My mind becomes a canvas for vivid scenarios, a play where Derek and Tristan take center stage. I imagine their strong hands exploring every inch of my body with a hunger that mirrors my own. I could almost feel their touch, their fingers leaving a trail of electric sparks in their wake.

I let out a quiet gasp as I allow my fingers to slide along my wet pussy then up to circle my throbbing clit. I moan as the touch of my fingertips ignites a surge of pleasure that radiates from within. The anticipation grows with each caress, the rhythm of my hand mirroring the heated tempo of my thoughts.

In the quiet of the room, the only sound is my own breathing, slightly labored with each stroke of my fingers. In my mind, Derek’s hands squeeze at my breasts, his thumbs moving over my hard nipples before he closes his mouth around one, his tongue flicking at it while the fingers of his other hand twist and pinch at my other nipple. My own hand comes up to mirror the images in my mind, the sharp pain from my fingers shooting straight to my clit.

My hand on my pussy moves faster, guided by the fervor of my imagination and the primal yearning that surges through me. The pleasure intensifies with each stroke, each flicker of sensation pushing me closer to the edge.

The room fills with the symphony of my own gasps and moans as I circle my clit harder before plunging my fingers inside myself. I whimper to myself as I press the heel of my palm against my clit, moving it in rhythm with my fingers as I fuck myself on them. The sounds of my pleasure mingle with the soft rustle of the bedsheets as I writhe on the bed. Shadows dance on the walls, their undulating forms mirroring the waves of ecstasy that wash over me.

As I near the peak of pleasure, my breaths grow shallow and erratic, my body quivering with anticipation as my pussy tightens on my fingers. The world around me dissolves into a haze of sensation, the boundaries between reality and fantasy blurred. My fingers curl inside myself as I press my hand harder against my clit, the tremble in my body only adding to the stimulation.

I imagine Tristan behind me, his hand reaching around my body to thrust his fingers inside my pussy, curling and pumping in and out of me in time with my movements. His other thumb presses hard against my clit, rubbing and circling it and making me moan.

In the darkness of the room, I surrender to the intoxicating sensations, my hand moving with increasing urgency, fueled by the maddening desire that courses through my veins and my own fantasies. Each movement of my hand brings me closer to that cliff, the orgasm building within me like a dormant volcano ready to erupt.

And then, as if on cue, the dam of pleasure breaks, sending shockwaves of bliss pulsating through my body. I cry out, the pleasure escaping my lips as my climax washes over me, leaving me trembling and breathless in its wake.

Afterwards, as I lay there catching my breath, a sense of calm washes over me. The orgasm had provided a temporary escape from the complexities of the investigation and the conflicting emotions within me. It was a reminder that amidst the chaos, I’m still a woman with desires and needs.

The weight of the day's events seem momentarily distant, replaced by a sense of clarity and tranquility.

With a contented sigh, I pull my hand away, my body now calm and at peace. Slowly, I adjust the covers, settling into a comfortable position. The fatigue that initially weighed heavily on me now felt like a comforting embrace, guiding me towards much-needed sleep.

As my eyelids grow heavy and my breathing steadies, I let go of the lingering thoughts of Derek and Tristan, allowing my mind to drift into a deep slumber. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but for now, in the quiet of my bedroom, I succumb to the oblivion of rest. Hoping that I wake up refreshed and ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Chapter 4


Thereisnofoodin my rental house as I still haven’t had the chance to go grocery shopping. I had prioritized setting up my sanctuary at the house and then the fresh case landed in our laps. So I grab a drive through coffee and bagel on the way to the office the next morning.

James is standing next to the main table when I enter and raises an eyebrow at me as I walk in. “That looks like a healthy breakfast, Alex.”

I cringe in response. “I haven’t had the chance to get groceries yet.”

He chuckles and shakes his head as he looks at the table covered in photographs and crime scene reports left there last night. “Yes, I saw that you and Derek have made some progress. Walk me through what you have come up with.”

I nod, taking a sip of my coffee to fortify myself before launching into a summary of our findings. “We are taking a deeper look at all the victims, trying to identify why the killers spent longer on some of them over the others. There appears to be a direct correlation between those who reported being stalked to those who were killed sooner. We are also trying to identify what it is about the victims that makes them a target,” I take a breath before continuing with confidence. “As you know all the women are different, there is no specific type that they are targeting. They are all attractive women, but we have blondes, brunettes, redheads, different body types, a range of ages from mid twenties to mid thirties. There is no way of predicting who they would even target next. But we know that something about them makes them a target.”
