Page 69 of Hunt me Darling

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I wrap my legs around him tighter, pulling him deeper inside me. The sensations are almost overwhelming, and I feel myself teetering on the edge of release.

With each thrust, the pleasure builds, ready to crash over me. I feel myself losing control. It's as if the world around us fades away, and there's only him, me, and the ecstasy we share.

I let out a breathless moan, my body trembling. "Derek," I whisper, my voice filled with need.

His grin widens, sensing that he's got me right where he wants me. "That's it, Little Darling," he murmurs. "Say it again, louder."

I gasp as he hits just the right spot inside me, and my words become a desperate plea. "Derek!" I cry out, unable to contain myself any longer.

He picks up the pace, driving me toward my orgasm. I feel the pleasure building, spiraling out of control. I'm so close, and he knows it.

His growl fills my ears, his voice filled with possessiveness. "You're ours, Little Darling," he says, punctuating his words with deep and deliberate movements. "No one else can touch you like this but us."

His possessive claim only fans the flames burning out of control inside of me, the primal desire to belong to him completely. "Scream for me, Little Darling," he commands. The world explodes in a burst of pleasure, and I scream his name as waves of ecstasy crash over me.

Derek's own release follows shortly after with a groan, and he holds himself above me as we ride out the orgasm together. His eyes burning into mine as he watches every second of my climax cross my face.

He chuckles again after a moment. “We really need to do something about those wandering hands,” he says, his voice filled with humor.

I raise an eyebrow at him and move my hands to the skin of his back. “I wouldn’t suggest cutting them off, otherwise I can’t do this.”

I rake my nails down his back and he groans loudly, thrusting into me again. I shouldn’t tempt him, since I know he can just keep going until I pass out. He has done it before after all.

“Awww, you already know his love language, how sweet,” comes Tristan’s voice from behind Derek as he saunters in to perch himself on the desk beside our sweaty and spent bodies.

Derek pulls himself from me slowly, fixing his clothes before helping me sit up on the desk. Guess we aren’t having a repeat of last time.

A strange memory hits me, more a knowledge than a visual memory this time. “I remember now, I couldn’t say your names when I was little, so I started calling you Truth and Dare,” I recollect with a smile.

They both smile softly at me and Derek moves to lean against the desk on my other side.

He brushes a hand down my arm in an almost comforting gesture. “What do you remember?”

I shake my head in response with a wince, “Until the other day, nothing, but a few memories have come back since you gave me this.” My hand reaches up to briefly touch the pendant hanging between my breasts. “The doctor said it’s dissociative amnesia.”

Derek brushes a thumb against my cheek and he frowns deeply, his gaze full of concern. “We will have to sit and talk about it when all of this is sorted and we can just be us together.”

I nod in response and then try to brush down my hair with my hand but at this point it’s a lost cause. “What now?”

They glance at each other before Derek turns back to me. “We have a few more loose ends to tie up, that's all you need to know for now.”

“Really? More cryptic answers?” I scowl, I should be used to it but that still doesn’t lessen the annoyance.

They both chuckle and it’s in that moment that the fact they are siblings becomes more obvious.

“I would never have pegged you as brothers,” I huff.

Tristan grins. “Can’t you see the family resemblance?”

Derek scoffs at him, but I can see the fondness in his eyes that I didn’t see previously.

“Wait, does that mean you're digging up information for me that you already gave me?” I asked Tristan with a frown.

His grin gets wider, his hand reaching out to brush his thumb across my cheek. “Not really digging, no. Obviously you know we already have the information. Max was the one that retrieved it in the first place for us.”

I’m so thoroughly confused now. “So why am I waiting for him to dig up the information for me?”

Derek growls at that. “Well, you weren’t meant to connect the pieces just yet. Or remove our masks when you swore not to. You definitely have some punishment coming in the near future, Little Darling.”
