Page 23 of Whiskey Smoke

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Burying my head deeper into the silky strands, wanting to get closer to whatever that fucking smell was, I tightened my arms around satin and curves. I brushed my lips against warm skin and wondered if I licked it, if it would taste as good as it smelled. The tempting body pressed against my front and stiffened, and I paused. Not a reaction I was used to.

My eyes snapped open, and I looked down at the familiar auburn hair splayed out on my pillow, perfect skin, and, fuck … her eyes were wide, staring straight ahead. Shit. I slowly eased back, removing my arm from around her waist and wincing when I brushed past her full, heavy tits. Yep, I was hard as a goddamn rock.

“Sorry about that. I was asleep,” I told her.

Although she was on my side of the bed. I hadn’t gone after her in my sleep. She’d come this way. A sleeping man could not be blamed for reaching out and pulling a body like that in close when it was right there and smelled so fucking good. I threw back the covers and turned before she could see my clearly aroused cock pressing against my boxers.

I didn’t wait for her to respond, but went straight to the bathroom and closed the door. Walking over to the shower, I turned it on and waited until it was warm before stripping off my boxers and getting inside. I paused before stepping into the stream and smelled my arm, then groaned. Her scent clung to my skin. Thissleeping in my bedthing we had to fix. There had to be a way to get those nightmares under control.

Once I was under the spray, I closed my eyes and wrapped my hand around my swollen dick. I’d gotten too fucking excited while I was sleeping. I tried to pull out one of the images from my spank bank to get off to, but nothing was working. My usuals didn’t get me there. Not Ms. Washington, my English teacher senior year, who liked me to bend her over the table and fuck her while calling her a dirty slut. Typically, memories of her helped when nothing else did. Not this morning though. All my cock wanted to think about was vanilla and honeysuckle, peaches-and-cream skin, and the ridiculously tight virgin pussy between her legs.

I didn’t have to touch it to know how amazing it would feel. Would she smell like honeysuckle there too? Taste like it? Fuuuck! I had to stop this, but my release was building.

I could fantasize. I didn’t have to touch it. Just imagine. Spreading those legs and looking down into those emerald-green eyes, her plump pink lips open as she moaned. Sliding inside her as she gripped me so tight that I could barely get it in. My balls drew up, and my breathing was heavy and fast. I was thrusting deep in her hot little cunt as she cried out that I was too big.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I held in my shout as cum began to spurt out with each pump, splattering against the marble tiles.

“Take it all, baby,” I whispered with one last pump.

Then, I rested my forehead on the wall, mentally cursing myself. But, fucking hell, that had been a good orgasm.



Although Levi had left after breakfast and I hadn’t seen him since, I hadn’t been alone. I’d met another female today. It almost felt like I had friends again. The ones I had considered friends in Alabama hadn’t tried hard to keep in touch with me after I left and moved in with my sister. I knew it was because they didn’t approve of what Irish did for a living. They were all very religious and worked on the same outreach programs as me. Two of them were engaged to guys at our church. One of those guys had been my only kiss and real date.

Brent McCumber hadn’t given me butterflies the way Levi did, but he’d made me feel special. He told me I was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. The way his eyes would rake over me when he saw me made me feel sexy and wanted. He said I tasted sweet and that he couldn’t get enough when he kissed me.

Then, after almost two months of stolen kisses at the church food outreach, where we both volunteered, late-night calls, and a couple of dates, it all stopped. When I walked into church one Sunday to see Patricia Wells on his arm, it stung. Surprised me more than anything. I hadn’t thought he liked her. She was also someone who I had considered to be a friend.

That night, he came by Gran’s and asked to talk to me. I didn’t want to talk to him, but I’d been raised to be polite. I went on the front porch and sat on the steps. He sat beside me and began to explain that he wanted a family one day. His last name would only be carried out by him, seeing as they only had girls in his family, except for him. That he had to plan for the future and he was afraid he’d fall in love with me.

It was then that my heart broke. Not because of Brent. I wasn’t in love with him. It broke because I realized in that moment that my life was going to be full of this. Not being enough. I couldn’t get pregnant. Not with my heart. It was too dangerous.

Brent had gotten tears in his eyes that night and told me he would never want another girl as much as he wanted me.

After that, I never agreed to another date with anyone. I kept to myself for the most part. Read my romance novels and didn’t attempt to think about one day falling in love or being loved. I was broken. I’d been broken my entire life. Pretending otherwise would only cause me more pain in the end.

“It’s almost four. I think we can get away with having margaritas,” Trinity announced, walking out to the pool with several stemmed glasses and a pitcher full of what I assumed was margaritas.

“Absolutely!” Shiloh replied, beaming.

Shiloh belonged to Gage—and when I said belonged, it was exactly what I meant. Maybe he belonged to her. I wasn’t sure, but the possessiveness and sexual energy coming off those two was off the charts. When he’d left earlier, I’d felt like I needed to fan myself after their goodbye. The way he had looked at her like he survived for her alone made me envious. That was something I’d never experience.

“I called Maddy, but she’s with Fawn and Gypsi, doing wedding preparation stuff,” Trinity said.

“We really need to get Gypsi and Fawn over here. Maddy is the only one who has really gotten to bond with them,” Shiloh said.

Trinity turned to me. “Garrett Hughes is engaged to Fawn, and Gypsi is her daughter but dating Trev, the youngest Hughes son. Blaise, the oldest son, is married to Maddy,” she informed me, then laughed. “That’s a lot of information. When you meet them, it’ll be easier to keep it all straight.”

I wasn’t positive I was following her, or maybe she’d already had some margaritas and gotten confused. “Did you mean to say that Garrett’s youngest son is dating his soon-to-be stepsister?”

Shiloh and Trinity giggled, then said, “Yep,” in unison.

“The boys tease him about it daily. Gage especially,” Shiloh told me.

Trinity took a glass and poured the margarita into it, then handed it to me. I took it, staring at it, unsure. I’d never had a drink before. Gran hadn’t kept alcohol, and Irish had been worried about me drinking it with my heart. I didn’t want to be rude or point out my heart condition, so I decided I’d sip it slowly. One glass couldn’t hurt.
