Page 20 of Don't Puck Him

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There’s no way she’s getting away.


For five days she’s consumed me. She’s all I can think about. Even right now, I’m looking for her, following her.

Watching her.


“You’ve looked better,” she mocks me as I step out of the psych building.

I press a thumb into my eye and shake my head. The booze and the cigarettes have been propelling me onward, and I’ve been clinging to them.

I blame my behavior on them but in reality, I’m using them as a way to keep following her around without considering the weight of my actions.

Not that I would stop.

She’s mine after all.

“I have certainly felt better.”

She laughs, that musical sound that makes my insides turn to mush, then points at the science wing with her thumb.

“I’ve got bio in an hour. Do you…want to talk more shit about Mrs. Chastain?”

My mouth responds before my brain has a chance to catch up.

“Sounds good.”

When we walk and talk, my body is rigid, my stomach coiled up with indecision. I can’t stop thinking about what Cash last night. He is aware that we’ve been spending time together, as are the rest of the team.

The best action would be to avoid her altogether, to go back to creeping on her and finding ways to scare her out of Cash’s life. That had been the original idea but now, I am not so sure.

“Too much booze last night then I guess?” Wren asks as we saunter.

I nod, looking off into the distance, but incredibly aware of her presence beside me. Comparatively she is tiny, and is wearing a tank top with only her arms tucked into the sleeves of a sweater. Her shoulders are exposed, and I can’t help but to catch the whiff off a crisp vanilla perfume.

It’s intoxicating.

“Too much for a school night. You?”

“Was my night filled with booze?”

“I didn’t ask that.”

She laughs as we shuffle past a large group of joggers. The soccer team, I presume. I place my hand on her elbow instinctively when we approach a huge puddle, seeking to help her step over it.

But she yanks it away from me.

“I got this, Hunter,” she says, no longer smiling.

Maybe it's the headache that feels like a sledgehammer behind my eyes, but this motion ticks me off. I scoff and snap at her, turning my head away for a quick jab.

“One second you want my fucking help, the next you don’t?”

Wren is not deterred. She titters again, and I clench my fists.

“I’m not going to break my neck stepping in some water. I’m a big girl, Hunter.”
