Page 36 of Don't Puck Him

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Wren blushes a bit and offers me an embarrassed smile.

We arrive. I park. I make sure for the block we have to walk I’m on the outside of the sidewalk. Protection around the clock for my girl.

The place is a three-story old clapboard home redone with the front all in glass, on every floor. Old world paintings decorate the walls. There is wrought iron work everywhere, bistro tables, wine bottle candles, the works. The moment we enter, it’s like we’ve landed in Sicily or Florence or somewhere Old World Italian chic.

The dinner goes well. I watch Wren’s every move, every expression. She’s in awe of how the other side of Boston lives. The wealthy and the powerful. The Kennedyesque.

I bring it all home by ordering for her. Every course, every sip of wine. I give her freedom to enjoy but remind her in subtle ways, having nothing to do with money, it’ll be me who will provide her with life’s emotional joys.

I side-eye Wren as I order. I don’t see her flinch. I don’t see her interrupting the server, saying she wants to order herself. I wink. That’s my look for her when I approve. She blushes again but sits pretty for me.

The day after our date is also our next game. We’re up against a strong team. Big guys who know how to body check and never hold bunches in the on-ice fights. Cash and I put our raging game faces on. This is a hockey war.

As we hit the ice for the pre-game warm-up, I see Wren. I’ve made her sit this time where I can keep an eye on her. Next to the team seats. I can tell she’s uneasy sitting there. Her uneasiness makes me smile.It’s good training, I figure.For when we’re out in public. No matter her unease, she must be willing to show her subservience to me in front of others. It’s her role.

Throughout the game, when I’m not fighting my way down the ice for a slapshot or bashing some brute’s teeth, I steal glances at Wren. Her expression waffles from fright to shock to glee and back again.It’s begun. She’s living in my world. She’s becoming an emotional part of me. Good girl.

Wren waits for me this time, just inside the arena doors. No more walking away without permission. Not anymore.

“You’re coming with me.” I say matter-of-factly.

Wren nods. She obeys, but I can tell she’s curious. I help her out, as I know she will not speak unless I give her permission.

“No, it’s not the usual after party with the hockey gang. I want you at my place tonight.” I gently reach for her hand.

I’m hopped up on fighting testosterone after the game. It’s the perfect time to instruct her further and for me to exert my pent-up power. I will be gentle but firm. She needs far more discipline.

I see her eyelashes quiver. It’s fear, I know. Mostly of the unknown. But she says nothing. She obeys and takes my hand.Good girl.

Halfway to my place, I look down at Wren. I see concern. It looks different from fear.

“Wren, speak freely. What’s on your mind?”

She looks up, wondering if she’s really allowed. I nod an approving yes.

“Well, don’t you usually want to go to the game after-parties? Won’t your teammates and friends be disappointed?”

I peer down at her with a raised eyebrow. “Is there more to your question, Wren?”

“Yes. Well, what about Cash? It’ll be my fault if you two fall out.”

Finally, I get to the crux. I smile and I hold her tight. “No, babe. Don’t you worry about that. No matter what, Cash and I will be fine. Plus, being with you right now is far more important. You have so much to learn, and I need you to perform at your best.”

“Haven’t I?” Wren looks up at me with genuine concern.

I stop walking. I hold both her shoulders and gaze down at her with as sober an expression as I can form.

“Your unease tonight was endearing, truly. But I need to wipe doubt from your mind. If I place you somewhere, you wholly accept that placement. As it’s my word, Wren. My word is final. No matter where I ask you to go. No matter what I ask you to do. It must be swallowed by you whole and accepted as absolute. Do you understand me?”

Wren nods and says not another word.

We walk the rest of the way in silence. I allow her this time to digest what I’ve said.

I know by how she’s holding my hand I have her, all of her, mind, body and soul. There is no more need for any lure. I’ve caught my catch. From here on out, there will be intense instruction, rewards, mistakes and therefore punishment, too. Wren is my untouched bird who I will shape to be my own, so she can fly.

The night is long.

I sweat from the effort. She sweats, too.
