Page 53 of Kings Have No Mercy

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Tom shouts some more, but I don’t go back.

The others clamber to their feet at the sight of me storming down the hall. I ignore them all on my way out the visitor center.

My vision tunnels and my pulse thrums in my neck. Every muscle in my body flexes and twitches in desperation to exert some power. Some dominance breaking shit. Destroying something.


I want to get the fuck out of here. This was a mistake. A bad idea from the get go.

There’s too much shit that’s gone wrong in our family. Things between Tom and me are too wrecked. You can’t repair that kinda damage.

“Mace!” Velma calls.

I don’t turn around as I stride toward my bike. I get so ahead of them I can’t even hear their footsteps anymore.


“Where are you going!?”

It’s a question spoken through a pant of air. It belongs to Sydney and so does the hurried thud of her boots.

“Go the fuck away, Sydney. Now’s not the time.”

“You’re right… now isn’t the time to be on the road. You’re furious.”

“I ride like this all the time.”

“Will you just slow down?”

Tiny rocks crunch under us as we make it to the gravel. Sydney almost trips twice and swears.

I don’t slow up and I don’t check on her. Maybe it’s best she falls. Then she’ll leave me the hell alone.

I grab my gear and begin prepping to take off. Sydney finally catches up, gasping for air and wiping sweat off her brow.

Somehow, she still looks damn good—in fact, her jeans have only slipped lower down her curvy hips, and the sweat on her only makes me think of that after-sex dew she gets.

“Move out of the way,” I say, swinging my leg over my Harley.

She stands in front of it and shakes her head. “I don’t think you should be alone right now.”

“Not your call. I don’t need a babysitter.”

“It isn’t about babysitting. It’s… it’s about doing dumb shit when you’re angry and alone,” she pants. “You made me come out from under the blanket. I’m making you have some company.”

I glare at her… though she’s got a point.

The others are approaching at a distance. Their calls echo across the lot.

If I take any longer, they’ll catch up too, then I’ll be given the third degree.

I make a split second decision and choose between the lesser of two evils.

“Get on,” I say, gesturing to the seat behind me. “Just do me a favor, Syd? Shut up.”

She rolls her eyes, though there’s a slight smirk on her lips, as she does what I say. She climbs aboard, snugly positioned behind me.

“Never,” she murmurs into my ear.
