Page 41 of Deviant Virtue

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His lips thinned into a line as soon as he heard the mockery lacing my words. “I suppose one game wouldn’t hurt.”

Helios apologized to his date and offered to get her a drink before telling her he wouldn’t be long. I didn’t take the insult to heart, embracing it with grace.

As soon as we sat down, the bets were placed. The lowest I could go was two dollars, so I did, just to agitate him further. Helios bet five hundred dollars. My poker face was on, and the moment the dealer began to shuffle the cards, I pulled out my pack of cigarettes—the nicotine helped me focus.

I exhaled a cloud of smoke, and Rhea, who was sitting alongside me, had to pinch her nose. She found the situation rather amusing. She’d brought me another glass of the Macallan, and Helios wasn’t impressed that his sister had apparently taken my side.

The game was shorter than I’d anticipated, and when I laid down my cards, there was a vein popping on Helios’ face. I wasn’t proud of how I’d won. It had been pure luck, but what Helios didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.

“You know,” I mused, “for someone who owns a casino, you sure can’t keep a poker face.”

His response was immediate. “Fuck off.”

His eyes were glued to me, and he was growing angrier by the second. A small yawn escaped my mouth, and I quickly covered it with my palm.

“I think I’m done for the night. This was fun,” I announced and stood up.

Helios blinked. “What?”

Rhea just laughed as I made my exit.

Helios stormed off not too long after. Sometimes, he acted like a child—he was one of the most impulsive people I’d ever met. He rarely cared about consequences, and once a mess was created, he had no interest in cleaning it up himself.

Rhea went off to mingle with people and chat with clients. Even from across the room, the fake smiles and the forced laughter annoyed me. I left my empty glass on the counter and went upstairs to the club.

Each floor was soundproof, and as soon as I stepped inside, I was in awe. It had been renovated since my last visit and now felt more spacious, despite being crowded with people who wore nothing but designer clothes. I could smell Dior perfume everywhere.

Although the people were well put together, they also danced, had fun, and were drunk out of their minds. All of the bartenders were busy, and numerous servers rushed around, making sure no one’s glass was empty.

Davorin was there as well. I hadn’t seen him—I had no idea what he looked like without the mask after all—however, I’d felt his presence long ago. I’d known who it was immediately, and it had made my stomach twist.

He wasn’t approaching me, and I wasn’t actively looking for him either. From time to time, I’d glance around, but no one stood out. I was disappointed—a part of me was certain I’d recognize his strong presence even without the mask, whilst another part told me that was impossible. I wouldn’t able to see him until he allowed it.

It pissed me off.

“Hello there!” a voice yelled over the music.

Suddenly, my vision was blocked by a tall man. I looked up with a raised eyebrow.

“Would you mind if I bought you a drink?”

The stranger flashed a set of pearly teeth. His hair was perfectly styled with a little bit of gel, his suit was Armani, and an expensive watch decorated his wrist.

If Davorin wasn’t going to show himself willingly, I would have to force him.

“One drink,” I told him. “I’ve already had enough.”

The stranger, whose I learned was named Josh, led me towards the bar and paid for our drinks. He wasn’t very good company, though his looks definitely made up for it. We chatted for a bit, and I learned a lot of information I hadn’t asked for, though by the time tomorrow came, he would be long forgotten.

One drink was all it took for him to try and lure me to his hotel room.

I accepted.

I was horny, and Josh was there—it was a perfect combination. Although he’d initially suggested we go back to my place, he didn’t press once I refused. I never took men home for a one-night stand—a hotel room always sufficed.

By the time we arrived in one of the cheaper hotels, his lips were hungrily on mine. The alcohol I’d consumed was making all of my decisions tonight, so even though he wasn’t a great kisser, I let him continue, hoping the night would turn better than that suggested.

Once we were in his room, he pressed me against the door, his hands steadily gripping my hips. I tangled my fingers in his hair, feeling myself slowly getting into the mood. It wasn’t ideal, but it was good enough for now.
