Page 10 of Awaiting

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“There are six cupcakes here, Holls,” Bexley pointed out.

“The other two are lemon and cotton candy. I took a chance.” Holly shrugged.

“Those are all yours,” Bexley replied.

“Did they give you extra special sauce?” Holly asked, pointing at the burgers in their plastic containers.

“I remembered to ask.”

“The fries are better with it,” Holly noted.

“I know,” Bexley said.

As they sat on her sofa, eating burgers, drinking beer, and talking about their days – just like they used to when they were together – there was a comfortable familiarity to the whole thing. That made Bexley just miss being in a relationship, but she also always liked nights like this with Holly.

When they finished eating, Holly grabbed their cupcakes and brought the strawberry one over to Bexley.

“Thank you,” Bexley said, taking it from her and peeling back the wrapper. “I haven’t had one of these in forever.”

“Try this one, too,” Holly suggested. “I know you’re not a fan of salted caramel, but you’ve never had their version of it. I swear, it’s the best,” she added.

Then, Holly scooped a little of the frosting off the top with her finger and held it out in the space between them. Bexley swallowed. Then, she licked her lips and, without much thought, leaned forward and sucked the frosting along with Holly’s finger into her mouth. Holly’s eyes darkened in response as Bexley let the finger slip out of her mouth.

“More?” Holly asked in a softer tone than she’d just used.

Bexley nodded before she could stop herself. Holly took a bit more of the frosting, but this time, she placed it on her bottom lip, which she knew Bexley always loved sucking on. Bexley leaned in and licked the sweet frosting she didn’t really care for off Holly’s lip. When she then sucked the bottom lip into her mouth, Holly took the cupcake Bexley had been holding and somehow managed to put both of their desserts on the coffee table. Seconds later, she was in Bexley’s lap, straddling her hips while they kissed, and it was hot. Then again, it had always been hot between them – that had never been the issue.

“Holly, wait,” Bexley said, coming to her senses and pulling out of the kiss.


“We can’t do this.”

“Wearedoing this, Bex.”

“Holls, this is the part we’ve always been good at, but we can’t just go back to that and hope for the best with everything else.”

“So, you don’t want to sleep with me tonight?”

“I just think we shouldn’t,” Bexley replied.

Holly hopped off of her and said, “Okay. Well, I guess I can understand where you’re coming from. I just thought we were talking about getting back together here.”

“We are. But that doesn’t mean we should just jump right back into things. We broke up for a reason, Holly.”

“Do you even remember why?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t remember why, Bex,” Holly told her, turning to Bexley on the sofa. “We were just sitting there, and it was over somehow.”

“I know,” Bexley said.

“But I don’t really understand what happened,” Holly admitted.

“We wanted different things,” Bexley recalled.

“So, we just broke up? We didn’t even really talk about it. It was just that you wanted this, and I thought I wanted that, so that was the end.”
