Page 101 of Awaiting

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“Sounds delicious,” Alex said, moving Bexley’s hair away from her neck to kiss her there again.

“It won’t be if you keep doing that,” Bexley told her, leaning back against Alex’s body.

“Why is that?”

“You’re very distracting,” Bexley admitted.

“How am I distracting?” Alex asked, sucking on Bexley’s earlobe just as she’d done last night before they’d fallen asleep.

“Oh, you’re evil.”

Alex laughed at that.

“Can you make your tea?” Bexley asked.

“No, I’m holding you.”

“I know. And it feels really good, but–”

“But I’ll make my tea,” Alex relented and kissed her cheek one more time.

“And then, you can hold me for the rest of the day if you want,” Bexley added.

“Oh, I definitely want,” Alex told her.


“I’m buying this for you,” Bexley said.

“No, you’re not,” Alex replied, laughing.

“Yes, I am,” Bexley insisted. “Where do I ship it to? Buckingham Palace?”

Alex continued laughing and said, “Bex, I don’t need a hat.”

“You can’t wear that hockey one everywhere.”

“It’s fine,” Alex told her, lowering the bill of the hat she’d brought with her over her eyes a bit more.

“Come on. I have good Internet out here right now. Let me buy it for you.”

“Let me at least look at it first,” Alex replied.

They’d gone out in the backyard after breakfast. Alex was tidying up the overgrown garden, cutting things back and away from the fence since the weather wasn’t as cold as it had been the previous day. Bexley had been helping until Alex pulled that hat out of her bag, put it on her head, and returned outside. There had been a break in the clouds, allowing rare sunlight to peer through, so Alex had wanted to cover her head. She walked over to where Bexley was looking at her phone and stood behind her and off to the side a bit.

“The Royals?” she asked, laughing.

“They’re my favorite team,” Bexley replied.

“I know the actual definition of irony, so I won’t say it’s ironic, but itisa bit strange, isn’t it?”


“That they’re called the Royals, and you’re currently standing next to one,” Alex replied.

“I guess,” Bexley replied. “So, can I get it for you?”

“No,” Alex said, kissing her on the cheek.
