Page 128 of Awaiting

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Alex laughed and said, “Move the blanket so I can see, sweetheart. Let me see you.”

Bexley tossed the blanket aside quickly and attempted to re-angle the phone.

“Oh, yes,” Alex said. “Can I touch you?”

“Have you ever done this before? I’ve never…”

“No,” Alex replied. “I’ve never wanted someone so much that I needed to watch them touch themselves, pretending it was my hand doing it. Bex, can I please touch you?”


“Everywhere,” Alex said. “For always.”


Bexley Woods: I think I have a problem.

Alex read the text message as she started to get dressed for the party. She quickly responded.

Alex: What’s wrong?

Then, she waited. A minute later, the message came in.

Bexley Woods: I’m addicted to you now. I can’t stop thinking about you. Please tell me your party won’t go on forever, and we can talk tonight. Maybe even do something else we were going to do last night, but I was too tired.

Alex laughed and messaged back.

Alex: I will leave as soon as I can. You should prepare yourself by lying naked in bed.

Bexley sent her a smiling emoji in response. Alex typed another message.

Alex: If you want to get a head start and take yourself to the brink so I can watch you finish, I really wouldn’t mind.

A second later, Bexley replied.

Bexley Woods: Text me when you’re on your way to your place.

“Fuck,” Alex said to herself.

They’d been texting throughout the day and had their nightly video chats, and Alex still couldn’t get enough. She wanted Bexley next to her, not in another country. She’d known this would be hard, but it had only been a few days – she wasn’t sure how she could miss someone so much. Tonight, there was another party Alex had to attend. This one was to honor someone for doing something amazing. She couldn’t remember who or what specifically, but that was only because Bexley had been on her mind constantly. When they weren’t talking or texting, Alex was thinking about talking or texting. When she wasn’t looking at Bexley on the screen of her phone, she was picturing Bexley’s face the last time they video-chatted. She hated that Bexley was so close but also so far.

Her father had been right, though: things had changed. Now that Alex was in love and with someone she could see herself with forever, it was time for her to begin taking on more of an active role in the family than she had in the past. She needed to assert herself as more than just the heir-apparent, but also as the one the people wanted as their next monarch.

When she arrived at the party wearing another suit and with her new haircut, no longer caring what her mother thought about such things, Alex tried to give her full attention to every conversation and every person who approached, but it was difficult. She knew Bexley was probably sitting somewhere in the Kleinland Palace, wearing those adorable glasses as she read an article or did work, and had that focused expression on her face that gave her that cute little nose scrunch. Alex smiled at just the thought of it.

“Well, hello, Your Royal Highness,” Teresa greeted as she approached with a full champagne glass.

“Your Grace,” Alex said back.

“Welcome home.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you having a good time tonight?”

“Yes, it’s a great event,” Alex replied.
