Page 131 of Awaiting

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“Surprisingly, really good,” Alex replied.


Alex filled Bexley in on the conversation with her mother.

“Teresa was there? Your ex?”

“She’s not my ex. And I just told you of the best conversation I’ve ever had with my mother, andthat’swhat you ask?” Alex laughed.

“She’s a Duchess.”

“You’remy girlfriend,” Alex countered. “She and I went on exactly two mediocre dates, at best.”

“You and I haven’t even been on a date.”

“You don’t count me taking you to my cottage as a date?”

“I miss you.” Bexley changed the subject.

“I miss you, love,” Alex replied.

“Can you get away anytime soon?”

“I have a lot of engagements now that my father is trying to get me ready. Before, he was keen to let me drift around a bit, but…”

“Now that you’ve got yourself a girlfriend, he’s preparing you to take over?”

“As healthy as he is, you never really know, do you? I think he wants to make sure he teaches me everything he can before he goes, whenever that may be.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“Like I’m ready to actually pay attention now. I want to be as ready as I can. I just hope it doesn’t happen for another thirty or forty years. By then, I’ll be so old, I could abdicate or retire, and the next generation could take it from there.”

“Our kids?” Bexley asked.

Alex brightened and said, “Maybe.”

“Maybe?” Bexley laughed.

“Tell me what you’d name our little girl,” Alex requested.

“Oh, I don’t know. All you royals are named after accomplished, amazing previous royals, right?” Bexley said, causing Alex to laugh. “So, maybe we just name her after her mother? She could be another Princess Alexandria.”

Alex swallowed before saying, “Bex…”

“In person, Alex.” Bexley stared at her intently with those blue eyes. “Say it in person.”


“He’s doing great,” Bexley said to Lewis’s parents. “You must be putting the work in at home.”

“We are. We’re also trying to make sure we praise him when he does well.”

“That’s great. You’ll need to keep that up for a while. His teachers seem to be on board as well.”

“Yes. And they’ve given us weekly reports, too,” Lewis’s mother shared.

“That’s great,” Bexley replied.
