Page 19 of Awaiting

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“Yes, she does. Do you have one?”

“I have never worn a tool belt in my life.”

“It’s okay. Nora has one.”

“Oh, of course, she does.” Alex laughed.


“Favorite Brother,” Alex greeted.

“Favorite Sister,” Lawrence replied.

Alex sat down next to him on the sofa in his living room. Lawrence’s estate was closer to the palace than her own and was technically bigger, but it made sense because he had the family, and one day, Alex would be living in the palace most of the time. Lawrence folded up the newspaper he still insisted on reading in hard copy form instead of on his phone and looked over at her.

“What do you need?”

“Why do you assume I need something?” she asked.

“Because you only come here when you do,” he replied.

“That’s not true. I came here for dinner last week.”

“Because Margaret invited you to celebrate Henry’s violin recital with us,” Lawrence said of his wife and eldest son, who was only five but was already showing promise with his instrument.

“I didn’t ask for anything, though, did I?”

“I believe you asked me to pass the butter,” he joked.

Alex laughed and said, “Touché.”

“So, what is it this time?”

“I was wondering what your schedule looked like for the next few weeks.”


“Could you cover some things for me if I wanted to spend time in Kleinland?”

“I suppose so,” he replied. “But you’re the future Queen, so they won’t accept a Prince for everything.”

“I checked; none of it requires me specifically.”

“Ah, so they can put up with the spare for a few parties?”

“And a charity event and a speech.”

“How long are you going to be gone, Alex?” he asked.

“I don’t know exactly. I just need some time away from our mother and, well, Teresa.”

“The woman Mother keeps trying to set you up with?”

“Yes. She’s all right, but she’s called me three times since I saw her two days ago. It just feels like she’s trying too hard.”

“One of those.” Lawrence nodded. “I am so glad I’m no longer single.”

“So am I. I like your wife more than I like you,” Alex teased.
