Page 26 of Awaiting

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Alex gave her a smile and said, “Can I take these for you?” She walked to Bexley and took the two food bags.

“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.”

“I’m sorry,” Alex whispered as her guard walked around the space. “He’ll be gone in a minute.”

“It’s okay. Why didn’t you let them in earlier?”

“This is your office. I didn’t want to just show up with a bunch of well-trained men with guns. I wanted to respect your space.”

Bexley gave her a soft smile.

“All clear, Ma’am,” the guard reported when he returned. “Might I inquire as to how long you’ll be so I can alert the rest of the team?”

“That’s up to the boss here,” Alex said, winking at Bexley.

“Oh, I’m not the… I mean… I’m not in charge of you. You can–”

“Dr.Woods, when are you planning on leaving?” Alex interrupted.

“I’m supposed to have dinner with Alice and Nora at six.”

“Ma’am?” the guard said.

“Right. I’m supposed to have dinner with Her Majesty, Queen Alice, and–”

“Theodore, I appreciate you ensuring my safety, but please don’t correct Dr.Woods again. She may refer to her best friend, the Queen, however works for them. And I’ve given her permission to lose titles when it’s just her and I, especially when I’m in her place of business, which makes it difficult for her to go back and forth when others are present.”

“Of course, Ma’am.” Theodore nodded. “If I may take my leave…”

“You may go,” Alex said. “Please tell all the others what I told you when you get a chance.”

“Yes, Your Royal Highness.”

Theodore opted for the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in true royal mode before,” Bexley noted.

“What did you think?” Alex asked her, thinking Bexley wanted to say something, but she didn’t say anything at all. “So, late lunch?” Alex said instead.

“I got options; just in case. I realized too late that you probably don’t order takeout very often. You’re probably used to much fancier food.”

“Bexley, I’m not some stuck-up Princess.”

“No, that’s not what I meant,” she replied, motioning for them to sit down at an old desk that was against the wall. “I just meant that since you don’t do it very often, you might like to try a few different things. You’re not in Kleinland a lot, and when you do come here, you’re eating at the palace, right?”


“So, sit down and take your pick,” Bexley offered.

Alex put the bags on the desk, and Bexley laid everything out for them. There was enough food to feed both of them and a few members of the security team outside. Bexley had also brought them paper plates and plastic cutlery. Alex had eaten fast food a few times in her life, but not all that many. Plastic forks were not standard at the palace, and her mother was at her own home so frequently, inspecting the place, that Alex couldn’t have any on standby for herself, either.

“Is this not okay?” Bexley asked.

Alex realized she hadn’t said anything for a while.

“Oh, sorry. No, this is perfect. Thank you, Bexley.”

“You can call me Bex, you know?”
