Page 49 of Awaiting

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“Will you tell me about it now?” Bexley asked.

“About what?” Alex looked over at her.

“Why you think your parents wish you were born second.”

Alex turned back to the fire and said, “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Not to me,” Bexley told her.

Alex looked back at her and gave her a shy smile.

“Well, first, there’s the gay thing. Larry is married to Margaret, who would be a fantastic Consort. She grew up in an aristocratic family. She has royal blood. She’s obviously fertile.” Alex paused. “She has two boys and maybe even a girl coming soon.”

“You can’t help being gay,” Bexley replied.

“No, but if I weren’t, things would be easier.”

“Forthem. But who cares aboutthem? I get the impression that you love being a lesbian.” She smirked at Alex.

“Oh, I do. I love women.”

“I get that,” Bexley said.

Alex swallowed hard and added, “And I’ve already mentioned that Larry is better than me at just about everything, so it really would be no contest if it came down to who earned it. It just worked out that birth order matters more for the monarchy.”

“Would you give it up?” Bexley asked.

“Becoming a Queen?”

“Yes. Would you give that up if it meant your brother would be a good King and you could be whoever you wanted?”

“I thought about it once years ago.”

“You did?”

“Before I was out in public,” Alex explained. “I gave my parents an ultimatum: I could either come out, be myself, and still be a Queen one day, or they could hide me and put Larry next up on the list.”

“Huh,” Bexley said, thinking about something.

“What?” Alex leaned into her a bit.

“Well, you keep saying that you think they’d prefer your brother inherit to you.”


“But you gave them a choice, Alex. You told them you’d let him have it just so you could go be yourself.”

“I did,” Alex said, wondering where this was going.

“Alex, you’re so smart. How do you not get this?” Bexley shook her head a little and turned her body toward Alex’s. “They chose you.” She paused. “You gave them an out. They could’ve made Larry the next King, but they didn’t.”

Alex swallowed again, realizing that Bexley was right.


“It’s beautiful,” Bexley noted.

“It’s one of the best parts of St.Rais if you ask me,” Elizabeth said.
