Page 5 of Awaiting

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“Oh, my God, Bex – you have no idea,” Alice whispered.

“Why are you whispering? Is she there?”

“No, she’s sleeping right now. It’s my shift. She’s on in a few hours.” Alice paused. “And I’m whispering about sex in front of my children, Bex.”

“They’re infants.” Bexley laughed.

“They’re my kids. I’m not going to talk about my sex life with their mother when they’re within earshot, Bex.”

“But if you were going to…”

“It hasn’t been as frequent since we’re both so tired, but when it does happen, it’s usually fast and hot because we never know when one of the kids will start wailing or need to be changed. If we have bonus time, we take it slow. And Bex, this might be too much information for you, but there was a night last week when she made me come four times in an hour. We took a break, and then I came two more times before the sun came up. Do you know what the best part is, though?”

“All the orgasms?”

“No,” Alice said, laughing lightly. “It’s that I was worried about how that part of our life would change after the babies. I don’t mean the frequency part; we both knew that would be different for a while. I had twins, Bex – my body isn’t the same as it was when Nora and I first met. We didn’t have all that long before we got married, and then I got pregnant. I was worried she wouldn’t want me in the same way, but she does. Not only that, but it’s like she also wants memorenow.”

“You gave her her children, Al.”

“I know she loves me. I wasn’t sure she’d still want me how she used to, but she does, Bex. It’s just so different with her, and I’m so lucky to have found her.”

“Yeah,” Bexley said.

“Do you feel that way about Holly?”

“What way?”

“That it’s different with her.”

“I did,” Bexley said. “When we first met.”

“But it went away?”

“I don’t know. It was weird, how it ended with us. Things were fine. But I guess that was the point: they were justfine. Then, she said she wasn’t sure if she wanted kids, after all, and brought up that she might even want to move out of Kansas one day. It kind of came out of nowhere.”

“You don’t see yourself moving out of Kansas?”

“I don’t know. I guess I could if the right opportunity came along work-wise. My grandma is here, though, Al, and she’s not getting any younger. She’s thinking about going into an assisted living facility because she doesn’t want to be a burden on me, and there’s no one else. I can’t see myself leaving her here on her own. It was more abouthowHolly said it all. She’d clearly put a lot of thought into it, and it was just better for us to end things now instead of dealing with more heartbreak later.”

“So, are you going to get back together now?”

“I don’t know. I told her I wanted to think about it. She caught me off guard. She understood, though, and I told her I’d call her soon.”

“Bex, I love you. I want you to be happy. And if Holly does that for you, I’d say give it another shot. If not, though, you have things you want for yourself, too. It’s not just about what Holly wants. You want to get married and have kids. Those things have always been important to you. If she’s not the one you see the things you want with, you might want to just call it.”

Bexley thought about it for a second. Then, she heard the baby on the other end of the phone. He wasn’t crying. It was more like he gurgled. Bexley smiled at the sound, knowing that Alice was right: she had always wanted what Alice had now. Well, not the whole being-Queen-of-a-country thing, but she wanted her own baby to gurgle in her arms and a wife to split shifts with.

“What are you doing up?” Alice asked not into the phone.

Bexley heard a voice she guessed was Nora’s, but she couldn’t make out what was said.

“You’re supposed to be sleeping for a few hours,” Alice added, and Bexley heard Nora’s response this time.

“I’m fine. I can take him if you want.”

“Say hi to Bex, babe.”

“Hi, Bexley,” Nora addressed her.
