Page 51 of Awaiting

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“I thought it would make me look too much like I was onBaywatch.”

“I can see that. And why is Alex buying you bathing suits?”

“Because I didn’t bring any with me. I wasn’t planning on taking a trip to some hot springs in another country.”

“So, you’re wearing a different one?”


“Let me see,” Alice said.

Bexley stood up and undid the belt on the robe that had been left in the cabin for her.

“Damn. Alex has good taste.”

“Yeah? It’s okay? You don’t think I should’ve picked the green one?” she asked about the green-and-black bikini on the bed.

“No, this one is good,” Alice said, nodding. “I might ask Alex to pick outmybathing suits from now on.”

“Can we talk about something other than the bathing suit now?” Bexley asked, redoing her belt and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Bex, what’s going on?”

“You’ve been so busy. We haven’t had a lot of time to talk about things outside of work.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s not that I’m mad or anything.” Bexley sat back down next to Alice on the bed. “Things have been weird, and I just wanted to talk to you.”

“Between us?”

“No, with the whole Holly thing and with Alex.”

“Alex?” Alice quirked an eyebrow.

“I invited her to come home with me when I go to check on my grandma.”

“You did what?!” Alice asked.

“It was accidental. I said that Iwouldinvite her, but it would be boring, and my house is tiny compared to a palace, and–”

“She doesn’t care about palaces. Her house is small, too. I’ve been there. It’s more a cottage than a house. She doesn’t even want to move into Buckingham Palace or Windsor when she’s Queen.”

“I’m sure hercottage, as you call it, is still nicer than my tiny two-bedroom house.”

“She doesn’t care about any of that. But I have a question. Why did you invite her at all?”

“I told you, it was more accidental than anything. I was joking, really, and she said she’d come with me.”

“So, she invited herself?”

“No. I mean, I put it out there. Now, she’s coming to Kansas with me, and I have to figure out where her security team will sleep. Is it fair to ask them to sleep on the floor? Does Amazon sell cots I can put out for them? Do I have to feed them or–”

“Bex, stop,” Alice told her, placing her hand on Bexley’s shoulder and laughing. “You don’t have to worry about any of this. Trust me, they know what to do. They’ll arrange everything.”

“The future Queen of England is going to be in my house, Al,” she whispered.

“Do you want her there?”
