Page 8 of Awaiting

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“Hello,” Alex said.

“Your Royal Highness,” Teresa spoke when Alex opened the door to her.

“You can come in,” Alex invited, moving out of her way.

“Thank you.” Teresa smiled. “Though, I don’t believe I’m supposed to walk ahead of you.”

“So, you plan on me coming out there and then walking back in before you?”

“I suppose that’s silly,” Teresa acknowledged.

“I have red, white, and the hard stuff. What would you prefer?” Alex asked.

Teresa then finally came into the house, and Alex closed the door behind her.

“No staff here?” Teresa asked when she waited for Alex to join her, and they walked into the parlor.

“Not unless I have to,” Alex replied. “I prefer my privacy. Security is everywhere, but they’ve learned to stay out of my way if they can. I won’t lie, though: someone comes in and tidies the place once a day, but she usually waits until I’m gone. I’m not even sure I’ve seen her in more than a year, actually. She’s great at her job.”

“What are you having?” Teresa asked.

“A glass of red,” Alex replied before adding, “And I did ask for some food for us tonight. I’m not much of a cook. They put some trays in the refrigerator for me. There’s fruit, cheese, and things like that.”

“I’d say I’m having wine myself, then,” Teresa said.

Alex readied everything, and they sat side by side on the small sofa that overlooked the fireplace. There wasn’t a fire in it, but Alex was too tired to start one herself, and Teresa didn’t look like the kind of woman who would get her hands dirty with the firewood pile outside.

“So, your kids seem great,” Alex spoke after a few minutes of silence.

“Yes, they’re wonderful. Spencer is top of his class, and Kristina is an amazing little ballerina.”

“Is she not great in class, too?”

“No, she is.” Teresa looked a little confused. “I believe she’s second in her year right now. Why?”

“You just mentioned Spencer is top of his class but said your daughter is a great ballerina,” Alex noted.

“Ah, I suppose I did,” Teresa replied and sipped her wine.

Alex nodded and took a drink of her own.

“So, did you enjoy the match?” she asked after a long moment.

“I did, yes.” Teresa smiled at her. “I’ve never been much of an athlete myself. I don’t know how you stay on those horses and manage to hit the ball with those mallets.”

Alex gave her a little laugh and said, “It’s not easy. It takes a lot of core strength.”

“I’d wager that’s true,” Teresa noted. “You have that, do you? A lot of core strength?”

And there it was: the tone Alex was used to, indicating women were interested in more than just conversation with her. Teresa’s eyes also gave away her meaning as they roamed Alex’s body.

“Well, I have to in order to play well.”

“So, you exercise regularly?” Teresa asked.

“Not as regularly as you might think,” Alex said, taking another drink of her wine.

“Would you be opposed to it tonight?”
