Page 85 of Awaiting

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“Alexandria, I’m only thinking of your happiness.”

“If that were true, you’d leave me alone and stop trying to find me eligible women Idon’twant to marry,” Alex stated. “I’m going to get some fresh air.”

Alex left her mother standing at this ridiculous party. She was actually a little embarrassed that her mates from the Navy were there. She hoped they knew she didn’t need an honorary title. She’d been a lieutenant and could have stayed on if she weren’t the heir to the throne. Her brother stayed on and became lieutenant commander because, of course, he had to end up outranking her in the end. He wasn’t next up, so he’d been able to stay in the Navy for five more years after she’d left.

Alex had to shake some hands and make some small talk on her way out to the balcony that faced the garden. She couldn’t wait until she could get away to Balmoral, where she loved to prune the rose bushes. She wasn’t an avid gardener, but she liked taking walks and enjoying the flowers when she could. She liked getting her hands in the dirt and checking on the ones she’d planted herself. She wasn’t sure where the trip to Balmoral stood, though. She’d planned on taking Bexley with her, and now, that was up in the air.

When Alex arrived outside, she was immediately met with Teresa, whom she hadn’t noticed prior to getting there. Teresa was talking to another woman, so Alex turned to go back inside.

“Your Royal Highness,” Teresa said.

“Evening, Your Grace,” Alex replied with a nod after turning back around.

“Can you please excuse me?” Teresa said to the other woman, who walked back inside with a quick greeting to Alex. “You look very nice in your uniform, if you don’t mind me saying so, Ma’am.”

“Thank you. You look beautiful, as always,” Alex replied politely.

“Thank you,” Teresa said with a small blush. “Forgive me, but I don’t know the meaning behind the title you received.”

“It mainly means I’ll preside over certain ceremonies in the future,” Alex replied, giving her only the basics.

“I see,” Teresa said. “So, are you back for good, or will you return to Kleinland?”

“I’ll be returning,” she said.

“Did I hear correctly that you spent the weekend in the States?” Teresa asked.

News had gotten out about her weekend trip after they’d returned, but luckily for Alex, there had only been one very blurry picture of her leaving the bar with Bexley in tow. Her mother had made a comment about her wishing Alex wouldn’t have gone, but other than that, news of her new title had dominated the cycle more than her trip.

“I was there for a couple of days, yes.”

“In a lesbian bar?” Teresa asked.

“It’s a gay bar,” she said simply.

“You were holding a woman’s hand in the picture the palace has yet to confirm was actually you. It looked like you were pulling her protectively along.”

“She’s a friend,” Alex said.

“That you hold hands with?”

“Teresa, I–”

“I understand, Alex. I just wish you would’ve told me you were seeing someone else. I’ve been waiting for you to return so that we might begin again.”

“I don’t think it’s going to work out with us, Teresa,” Alex said.

“I see,” Teresa replied.

“I’m sorry.”

“Well, better now than later, right?” Teresa said. “I probably should have known. Your mother set us up.” She winked at Alex.

“She has a tendency to do what she wants,” Alex said of her mother.

“Can I ask you, though? Is it because of my divorce? My children?”

“No, it doesn’t have anything to do with either of those things.”
