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“How are you feeling after your meal?” he asked when they’d finished.

“I feel really good,” she replied. “Wise old Annie and her ginger trick. Maybe I’ll survive this pregnancy after all.”

“We’ll have to order some wholesale ginger products,” he said. “We can’t have you feeling ill throughout the pregnancy.”

When they got home, they were met with a round of congratulations and well-wishers, as by the afternoon, most of the pack had heard the news.

Alison arrived first, bringing a cake.

“Thank you so much. I love cake,” said Sara. She and Alison had become close over the past few weeks since Sara had begun living there. “I’d better only have a small slice, though. The healer gave me this pamphlet on healthy eating during pregnancy.”

“A slice of cake won’t hurt,” said Alison, searching through the drawers for something to cut it with.

“It’s so good to see you,” Sara said with a smile.

“I couldn’t stay away. As soon as I heard, I had to come and see you,” Alison replied, brandishing a knife. “Lotty and Francis won’t be out of school for another couple of hours. They’ll be so happy when they hear. They love babies.”

“Did you hear that, Xavier? We have built-in babysitters already,” said Sara.

“I’m sure we will,” he replied. “I’m worried they’ll want to move in with us, knowing those two.”

“They would soon be fed up with getting up at three every morning, don’t worry,” Alison replied with a chuckle.

The next ones to arrive were Alan and Nikki. Alan bought beer, which pleased Xavier much more than cake. “I thought we should toast the occasion,” he said, handing out bottles. He came to Sara and paused. She shook her head and looked down at her still-flat belly. “Fair enough,” he said and passed her by.

Xavier was worried that Sara would spend the next nine months not being able to have any treats. But when he looked at her, she had a beautiful look on her face. She didn’t appear to mind missing out on beer or an extra slice of cake.

The afternoon slowly progressed into an impromptu party as more and more of the pack members showed up at the alpha’s house. He watched with interest as the party split into the two sexes. The females naturally gravitated to Sara, and she was soon surrounded by a small group of chattering women.

The men spilled out into the yard. It was a beautiful day. Several of the pack shifted and went for a run in the woods off the backyard.

“Come on, Xavier, come out for a run with us,” one of them called.

Xavier looked through the doors at Sara, surrounded by her new female friends. Their eyes met. She looked a little overwhelmed by the sudden attention. “Nah, you go on,” he called. “I’m going to stay here today.” His heart felt full, and he would have loved to shift and run for joy, but today was about Sara and his unborn baby.

He sat next to Sara, surrounded by gifts and food brought by well-wishers. The pack was obviously as happy as he and Sara were at having a new member on the way. He felt an overwhelming sense of pride well in his chest. Until then, he had simply been their alpha. Leader of the pack. Now he truly understood the love and support the pack had for him.

His musings were interrupted by his cell phone ringing. It was Carlos, his beta. “Carlos, get over here. The pack is in a party mood,” he said. Carlos had been one of the first people he’d told. He felt a little uncomfortable because he knew Carlos and his wife Calliope had been trying for a kid for a couple of years now.

“Hi, man. I would, but there’s something I need to talk to you about. Sorry to drag you away from the celebration,” Carlos said.

“Shit, okay, I’ll be right there.” Xavier’s brow furrowed in concern, a flicker of worry dancing across his features. It wasn’t that he doubted Carlos’s capabilities … far from it. But the urgency of the situation must have been significant to keep his beta away.

“Hey, Sara. I’ve just got to pop into the office,” he said casually.

“Everything okay?” she asked with a frown.

“Yes, fine. Carlos just needs me to look at something quickly.” He tried to keep the concern from his voice. “Are you okay holding the fort here for half an hour?”

Sara looked a bit anxious but agreed. “Yes, of course,” she said.

Xavier drove to the office as quickly as he could, a ripple of unease creeping over him. His mind raced through various scenarios, seeking to piece together the puzzle.

"What could be so important that it pulled Carlos away?" Xavier mused aloud, his voice tinged with a touch of bewilderment. His concern wasn’t born out of doubt in Carlos’s choices but rather a genuine curiosity about the unexpected turn of events. Whatever had transpired must have weighed heavily on Carlos’s mind, enough to temporarily set aside the party.

The bond between him and Carlos was built on trust and camaraderie, and the idea that something significant had prompted Carlos to ask Xavier to leave Sara’s side tugged at his sense of duty.

When he stepped inside the office, Carlos was pacing the floor. “What’s going on?” Xavier asked as soon as he got through the door.

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