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“No, that’s not it at all. It’s hard to explain, but I do get to choose in a sense. I am attracted to you, desire you, and want you in every way. I have no doubt I would feel this way anyway, even if the pull wasn’t there. But the fact that it is allows me to know without a doubt that we are supposed to be together.”

He scooted closer, keeping a hold of her hands. “I want you by my side forever. When you aren’t around, I feel restless and incomplete. It’s hard to explain, but I get why you would think I have no choice. But believe me, I want this and you. Always.”

Sara took a slow deep breath.

She thought back and put together all that she had learned about fated mates when she had been educated about the shifter world and the surrogacy plans. It made sense. In fact, it seemed to be staring her in the face once she actually thought about it.

Sara recalled how she felt when they first met. The memories hit her like a truck as she thought about what Xavier was saying to her now and how she had felt as well. They had been on the same page since the beginning.

Her being human had just made her question everything because she didn’t have the blaring signal that Xavier had.

She was also reminded of how much she liked that he had been so protective over her since the beginning, like with Veronica. It had turned her on every time he stood up for her or put her first, but she thought that was just the bad-boy-alpha persona. Was it also the fact that her subconscious knew that he was destined to be her future?

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to kick herself for not seeing it sooner.

She looked up at Xavier and saw him watching her closely. Her heart hurt seeing how unsure he was of her feelings and the vulnerability he had to overcome to tell her all of this.

He was scared of losing her, and she saw it.

She kissed him hard and grabbed his face. Tears ran down her face.

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you,” he said distraughtly as he wiped the tears from her eyes.

“No, you idiot. You should have told me sooner. Then I wouldn’t have been second guessing myself about what I felt and what you felt for me.”

A smile formed on his lips. “You aren’t scared by what I said?”

“Not at all. I get it, especially now that you told me. It makes sense, including how I feel about you. This has always felt right.”

He pulled her into a hug and buried his face in her hair.

“I love you, Sara.”

She took a deep breath to steady her voice and hold back the new onset of tears. “I love you too.”

She gripped his shirt, and tears fell, staining his clothes darker.

He pulled away after a moment. “I never want to lose you. I can’t. This may have started with me looking for an heir, but it ended with me finding my forever.” His thumb stroked her tear-stained cheek.

Sara felt the same way. Everything he had said since walking into the nursery was a mirror of her own feelings.

She stood and pulled him up with her. Without saying a word, she led him out of the nursery and toward the master bedroom, where they had shared all of their intimate moments.

This night couldn’t just end. She wanted it imprinted forever in both of their minds. And with him confessing to her about being mated for life, she knew what should come next.

Once they were in the bedroom, Sara dropped his hand and walked over to the bed. She turned around and undressed slowly, letting his eyes take her in.

“I want you to claim me as your own.”

His eyes shot from her body to her eyes and locked in. “Forever?”


He slowly came to her and slowly stroked his hand down her bare arm. “Are you sure?”

She sucked in a breath as his hand went to her lower lips. “I’ve never been so sure of anything. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

Xavier pushed his fingers inside her, causing her knees to almost buckle. He pulled her head toward his and kissed her hard, biting her bottom lip. “That’s all that I want as well.” He pressed his mouth onto hers again and pushed his fingers farther in.
