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“Questions need answers. First, why did you run me off the road and kidnap my pregnant mate? I don’t know you and yours from Adam. Why were we your target? Or do you skulk around the winding roads at night, preying on whoever takes the scenic route home?”

The beta smirked. He unfolded his arms and laid them comfortably on the desk.

“Ah, well, it was a simple contract. My pack was hired to do the job on you. You and your wrecked car were merely collateral damage. The contract order was for your mate. Me and my alpha fought about it. I was against such a hit, but he was for it. He said we needed the money, and it would be an easy job to run you two off the road and grab the girl.”

“Easy peasy, just like that, huh?”

The beast chuckled. “Yes, well, whenever my alpha saideasyor aslam dunk, my hackles went up. No hit is ever easy. And I was on edge right from the start. And as you can see, it was an unholy mess, and our alpha is dead because of it.”

Xavier rested his hands on the edge of the beta’s desk. The beta waved one of his minions to free up a chair. Xavier waved away the offer and kept standing, his hands firmly planted.

“Okay. Next question. Who hired you?”

“Well, now, that’s…”

Xavier leaned in. “Either you tell me or…”

“Fine. Okay. No need to get your undies in a twist. You won’t like the answer, I suspect.”

“Hit me.”

The beta leaned in too. He and Xavier’s noses were mere inches away.

“It was a shifter from your pack, pal. You have cancer from within, it seems.”

Xavier stood back. His knees trembled. Thankfully, no one could see them shake under the pant legs.

“Who? Who is this shifter? Give me his name!”

The beta put his hands up as if in surrender. “Whoa, now. I don’t have a clue. That was the alpha’s purview to know the contact. I merely led the charge on the car wreck and kidnapping. Seems it’s up to you and your goon over there to uncover the mole and root him out.”

The beta smirked. Then he smiled. Then he erupted into a belly laugh.

The group of shifters joined in.

Enraged, Xavier stormed for the door.

“Carlos, my house. Sara.”

“On it, boss. Let’s get after it.”

Alpha, beta, and the battalion raced through the forest, and with every footfall, Xavier became more and more panicked.

He had left Sara having a quiet night in with Veronica. For once, he had rescinded his standing order to have guards on her at all times. Because he had taken the very men who would normally act as her guards with him to get his revenge.

Veronica. Veronica. Oh, my God. Please tell me she’s not the mole.

Xavier ran like the wind, his arms bracing against low-hanging tree limbs. Nothing, not bruising or battering, would stop the alpha shifter from being determined to get to Sara before it was too late.

In no time, the pack arrived.

Xavier spied the front door open. He bulldozed through it to see the living room trashed. Looking left and right, he saw the entire house trashed. Unended furniture, lamps toppled over and smashed, papers from his desk strewn around. Food and snacks were tossed everywhere.

Xavier ran from room to room, his head on a swivel. “Sara! Sara! Sara! Call out to me!”

Then he heard muffled words.

“Carlos, the basement!”
