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“I got you two a suite down the road. That redone cottage. I figured you could use it as a getaway tonight and make it feel like a real wedding night. I’ll take care of the place here and make sure everything gets cleaned up and that there’s no shenanigans. But you two split when you want and enjoy each other as man and wife before that baby gets here.” She smirked and then waved goodbye before they could protest.

Xavier stared after his sister while Sara stared at him.

He looked back at her and gave a devilish smile. “Want to ditch this party?”

Her mouth was full of food still, but she stood quickly and grabbed his hand in answer.

They had done their share of visiting, so they didn’t feel bad for sneaking away into the darkness to enjoy some alone time.

The cottage was just down the road and lit up just for them. It was small and cozy.

Xavier scooped Sara up and carried her to the door as she unlocked it so they could enter the old-fashioned way.

A fire was lit, and the lights were low. It was beyond perfect.

Xavier set her down and shut the door behind them.

“This is amazing.” Sara walked over to the soft shag rug that lay in front of the fireplace. She knelt and ran her hand across it, deciding that she needed to lie down on it.

Xavier chuckled when he looked at her.

She patted the rug seductively, inviting him over.

He took off his jacket, loosened his tie, and lay beside her, facing her and the fire.

“Now, this is romantic,” she said.

“Yes, I have to agree. Veronica did a good job.” He ran his hand lovingly from Sara’s shoulder down the side of her body, resting it on her hip.

Sara felt her temperature rise, not because of the fire at her back but by the way that Xavier was looking at her.

“I love you, Sara. I will always love you and protect you with everything that I have.”

Sara’s breath came short. He always caught her off guard with his sincerity.

“I love you too. And I know you will. Today was the best day I’ve ever had. And I know my life will be filled with the joy I had today as long as I have you by my side.”

He smiled and cupped her face, pulling her into a slow, melting kiss.

Her body tightened, and her nerves were at attention. Their tongues ran slowly over one another as she scooted closer to his chest, letting their desires take over, consummating their bond.

Sara had no doubts, no worries about life or what was in store for her. Not anymore. Those fears were long gone.

She was safe in her mate’s arms from any and all things. Xavier was hers forever. She had been lucky enough to find the one person who could make her truly happy.



All the time the baby had been in her belly, it had not quite seemed real. He had logically been aware that a baby was growing there, but nothing could have prepared him for the physical reality. The last two weeks since Aiden was born had been incredible, intense, challenging, and oh, so wonderful, all at the same time.

Xavier could not believe how protective he felt toward this utterly defenseless little being that was his son. His paternal instincts had gone into overdrive. He could barely take his eyes away from his perfect little baby.

He loved Sara even more for bringing Aiden into his life.

To think he had almost lost them. The memory still sent shivers up his spine. He had been more careful about who he trusted after finding out all the trouble came from within his own pack.

The trial of Matilda Blakes had been harrowing.
