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Sara must have caught his wandering eye.

“What?” She asked, looking almost self-conscious.

“Nothing. I just can’t stop admiring how beautiful you are.”

Her cheeks reddened as she tried to push her unruly hair behind her ears. “Well, you’re sweet. I just threw this together. I wasn’t sure what we were doing since you never told me, or I might have dressed better.”

“No, no. I really mean it. You look gorgeous, Sara. Comfortable and happy is beautiful on you, and it makes it hard to keep my eyes on the road.”

Her smile spread over her face.

Interesting that she wasn’t used to compliments. He would change that. He would always be honest with her, which meant saying exactly what was on his mind, including her sexiness.

“So,” she changed the subject, “where are we going anyway?”

He gave her a devilish smirk. “It’s a surprise.”

A few minutes later, Xavier pulled up to a field packed with other cars.

Sara looked around as he turned off the ignition. He watched her, waiting for when she would notice.

Her eyes brightened when she saw the banner hanging over the entrance.

“A literary festival!”

“Have you ever been to one?”

“No. I’ve always wanted to go, but I was either working or just heard about them too late. How did you know this would be something I’d like? It’s so … nerdy.” She giggled with a slight grimace.

He laughed at her face. “I have my ways. Also, when I asked about you at the surrogacy office, they mentioned how voracious a reader you are and that you may or may not have written a lot of poetry as well.”

Her hand went to her face in exaggerated dismay. “Oh my gosh! I need to pay attention to how I answer questions. They asked me that when they were building my profile and getting to know me. It was so laid back. I think I may have answered too honestly.”

Xavier laughed even harder now. “No, you answered perfectly. It was one of the intriguing things about you. It shows you have an imagination. It helped you, don’t worry.” He got out of the car and came around to open her door. “So, would you like to go here? I know I would. A little secret.” He leaned into her ear, purposely breathing heavily into it. “I’m a nerd too.”

His eyes caught the slightest shiver, and goosebumps rose on her neck. He smiled at her reaction.

“You are not.”

“I cross my heart. I don’t let just anyone know that, but you’re special, so you get to keep that little tidbit to yourself.”

“Reading doesn’t make you a nerd,” she teased as they approached the entrance.

“I read, I write, I know Shakespeare’s sonnets and poems. I may have written some of my own.”


“Seriously. Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to read some sometime. Of course, that’s a hard maybe, and only if you share yours as well,” he teased.


He paid for their admittance, and the morning flew by.

It was one of the best days Xavier had had since long before his parents had passed, and he had taken on the role of alpha.

In fact, he hadn’t been to one of these festivals since he had come with his sister and parents long, long ago.

But that was a story for another time to share with Sara. Today was about her and him bonding over a shared interest. It didn’t need the woes of long ago to cloud the clear day.
