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Xavier pulled into his long driveway as she thought back to how the day had progressed. Their time together had been going so unexpectedly well with the festival and similar interests that they shared that she just let the ease from last night flow into the rest of the day.

She had been excited and nervous to spend so much time with Xavier getting to know him better. She hadn’t expected to connect with him on such a personal level in so many ways. She certainly hadn’t anticipated meeting his wolf.

She’d been hesitant about even asking him about his other side, but thankfully curiosity and comfort had won out, and she’d built up the courage to ask. He had received it so welcomingly and been more than willing. It was as if he had been happy with her request.

Sara figured she’d be scared initially, but not an ounce of fear entered her, even when she looked at his massive black wolf form. Yes, he’d been intimidating, but she hadn’t been afraid. He was beautiful and everything an alpha should be. How could a man be so sexy as a humananda wolf?

They pulled up to a big house that looked like a whole family could easily live there, with more than enough room and then some.

“Do you live here by yourself?” she asked as she stepped out of the car, staring up at the beautiful brick home.

“Yep. It was my parents’. I grew up here and never felt the urge to move out.”

“How could you? You probably could have roommates and never see them while staying here.”

He chuckled and walked up to the porch. Xavier stopped and turned toward her as she took her first step up.

“I have some of the pack here in the back. I wanted them to meet you since we hit it off so well the other night. I hope that’s okay.”

Sara’s heart picked up slightly, but she smiled. She had enjoyed meeting his wolf but meeting other shifters was worrisome. It was like meeting your boyfriend’s family for the first time. What if they didn’t like her? What if they thought she wouldn’t make a good mother? In any case, she hoped these other shifters were as accommodating and welcoming as he had been.

“Of course,” she replied, “I’m sure you need to see how we all get along in order for us to proceed.” Fear seeped in that maybe she could still be rejected.

“No, not at all. I just want them to know who you are and that you are to be treated with respect. I don’t need their blessings in this. It’s my choice, and they will abide by it. They are here as a favor to me and to welcome you.”

Sara looked at the fierceness in his eyes behind his words. He meant what he said. He was already willing to stand up for her against his own pack by ensuring she was put first. Not only was he a true alpha, he was going to make a great father. She could already see that.

A thought occurred to her as she took another step toward him. “How did you know I would come back to your house?” She wasn’t upset, but it had been presumptuous of him.

He smiled. “I didn’t. I had hoped. But either way, they would have been here for me to catch up on pack news. It’s a weekly thing.”

“Oh, how convenient,” she replied with a smirk. Sara was feeling comfortable enough that her smart-ass side was shining through, a clear indication that she was relishing this moment of playful banter.

She climbed to the top of the porch, and they entered the house together. The place looked immaculately clean. She gulped. It wasn’t that she was a slob, but the thought of keeping such a huge place like this spotless with a baby in tow was a bit daunting.

She heard a faint laugh with muffled voices and turned toward a huge picture window overlooking a manicured lawn (of course) and a vast forest not far in the distance. Out in the back, folks milled about. Thepack.

Sara took a deep breath and followed Xavier to the sliding doors that led to his group.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” he asked before opening the door.

She nodded, plastering on a fake brave smile. “Now or never. I’m already here.”

His grin looked proud as he slid the door open, allowing the conversations to flow through uninterrupted.

The pack turned in unison. All seemed to smile and welcome their alpha and guest.

“Thank you for coming,” he greeted. “Sorry I’m late. As most of you may know, this is Sara.” He turned to face her, his face beaming. She shyly waved at the group.

“She will be my surrogate and will be treated as such. Welcome her and make sure she feels at home. You will be seeing a lot of her, and I expect nothing but the best from you. Human or not, she is with me.”

Sara tried not to flush at his sudden words.

“Now, Carlos, catch me up on what has been going on.” Xavier walked over to a burly man with a bushy beard and put an arm over Carlos’s shoulders as they huddled.

Sara didn’t have a moment to think about feeling awkward as several females flocked to her.

“So, you’re Sara. It’s so nice to meet you. We were so curious who the agency would set Xavier up with,” a blonde woman, slightly older than Sara, gushed.
