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She glanced around to see if anyone was paying them any attention. “I just wanted to suggest something.”

His eyebrow raised. “Oh?”

She was nervous to ask, but this was her shot. It had worked so far. “I know you agreed that I can be as involved as I want to be with the baby. But what about me moving here for the duration of the pregnancy?”


“Yes. I mean, I think it would be best for the baby and…”

“I think that’s a great idea.”

“Really?” That was easier than she thought.

“I do.” His lips curved gently, a warmth spreading across his face as his eyes met hers, a silent connection shared.

A wave of immense relief washed over her, a soothing balm to the anxieties that had gripped her heart. Staring into his sharp green eyes, she found solace in their depth, a refuge from the uncertainties ahead.

At that moment, unspoken understanding passed between them, a reassuring bond that needed no words.

Her next thought slipped out instead of staying in her head where it belonged. “Plus, the fun part of all this is trying to get pregnant.” She almost choked on her own words when she heard herself say it out loud.

Xavier’s smile grew bigger. “Hell, yes, it is.”



“I didn’t mean for that to come out so forward,” Sara apologized, her face turning tomato red.

Xavier shook his head. “Don’t apologize for speaking the truth. It’s not like I disagree with you.” He pulled her closer to him, not caring if anyone was watching. What did it matter anyway? She was going to have his baby, and soon enough, hopefully, she would know that she was his mate.

Intense warmth radiated from her, a palpable reminder of their proximity. He relished the sensation, loving the impact he had on her.

"I know." She giggled nervously, her admission scenting the air with vulnerability. “But I didn’t mean to come across as so crass.”

He chuckled, drawn to her unfiltered honesty. "Don’t hold back," he urged, his desire to truly know her deepening.

Xavier’s longing surged as her blue eyes locked with his. The urge to kiss her was irresistible, like an electric charge in the air. Her gaze kindled a primal yearning within him, igniting a passionate spark. If it were up to him, they’d start on the business of baby-making right away. Screw the barbeque.

Sara seemed to have sensed his desire and narrowed her eyes, really looking at him. “What are you thinking, Mr. Straightforward?”

He had already told her he was all about honesty, so he said exactly what was on his mind. “That I want you right now. Fuck this party. As you said, the creation is the best part.”

Sara’s grin faltered. Xavier’s wolf heard her heart beat faster and harder against her voluptuous chest. Another part of her he wanted to acquaint himself with.

“Are you serious?” she breathed rather heavily.

He leaned down to her ear and breathed his reply, just enough to move wisps of hair. “Absolutely.”

He saw goosebumps rise on her neck and took advantage of her silence. “I’m going to wind this place down so you don’t feel so bad for abandoning our guests. But why don’t you say your goodnights, and I’ll make the excuse of how tired you are? My room is upstairs and to the right. It’s the master bedroom and ensuite bathroom. You get yourself comfortable, and I’ll meet you up there.” He brushed her lower back as he walked away.

He could feel her eyes on him before Sara headed to make her own rounds.

Xavier went through the goodbyes as if he were a well-programmed robot. They all understood and nodded, thanking him for the food and hospitality. His replies were polite but short. No one would raise a question about him bidding them goodnight. He wasn’t much of the party type, especially anymore.

He was known to be more business than pleasure. Sure, he enjoyed his time with others, but being at such a young age when so much responsibility was thrown at him had matured and aged him much faster than his pack mates.

As the last of the pack made their way out, Xavier noticed that Sara had been gone for a while. She must have been quick with her goodbyes and dashed upstairs.
