Page 23 of Moon Kissed

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The packs were not what the Moon Spirit had intended, and it was up to me, the Alpha Seeker, to bring them back to the right path. If I didn’t, our race would face a crossroads—the left meant extinction and the right near extinction. Neither option was good.

I also wasn’t entirely sold on the this-is-my-problem-now thing. My wolf and I were random. The only thing we had in common with the Moon Spirit was our white fur. I wasn’t a leader, nor did I have any special training, but what I did have was experience. I’d been on the shitty side of our pack. I watched how my family was ostracized and shunned for wanting to keep the peace then tossed under the bus. They’d used the chaos to hide their crimes, but the past couldn’t be buried.

That was what the Moon Spirit wolf was telling me to do—search the past and find the answers. Simple in theory, but I had no connections, no favors I could call in. All I had was my job at the archives, which would have to do.

My wolf nudged me toward the topic that I was actively ignoring. This whole thing wasn’t completely on my shoulders. No, I had to find my mate, and with him, we needed to change the packs. The problem? A mate was the last thing I wanted, but apparently, it was what I needed. Or rather, what my mate needed, me.

I wrenched my mind from that train of thought, unable to stomach the truth. I couldn’t handle the thought of someone wanting me when I was so fucked up and still trying to make sense of my past. I knew what I had to do, make peace with it and leave it there.

“I pulled some strings,” Arden began but paused when my eyes flicked to hers. “Okay, a lot of strings, and I got you this.” She slapped a piece of paper on the table. “Don’t waste it. And go home, get some sleep, eat, and please shower.” Her nose wrinkled like she’d smelled something bad.

“You are amazing,” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. “Thank you.”

“I expect a full explanation as thanks,” she said, patting me on the back before squeezing me.

“I will. I promise.”

“Good. Now, go clock out. Explaining why you’ve been here all night is going to be hard to cover up.” Arden pushed back away from me, and I let her.

“You’re the best,” I mumbled, grabbing my things while fighting a yawn.

“I know, but thank me by eating and sleeping, yeah?”

“I’ll do that,” I assured her. With my coffee cup in hand I walked out of the room. Waving at Arden, I pushed the button for the elevator.

Once the doors closed, I rested my head on the cool metal walls, feeling like I was just coming down from a fever. I was glad this frantic search for information was over. I did what I needed too and now to recover, to let it all settle before coming up with a plan.

* * *

So, the mad dash for information wasn’t over. It was over in the sense that I’d exhausted the main archives of information, but there was more. In the restricted section.

My phone pinged after a well-deserved nap that wasn’t nearly long enough. Arden had texted, explaining that she’d gotten me temporary access to the restricted section but only for my pack. My bestie was a force, and I didn’t dare ask how she got permission. She was probably still torturing whomever it was.

I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. I only had tonight to get in there and find out everything I could. It was closing time, so if I left now, I’d make it to the archives during shift change. Not that it mattered, but it couldn’t hurt to be discreet. I paused at the door so I could stuff my still-white hair into my hoodie. I didn’t bother with a hat since the place should be empty, however, I grabbed a beanie just in case.

I made it to the bus stop in time to catch a ride as it headed back into the city. I settled in for the drive, my mind whirling with questions that I hoped I’d find answers to.

The archives were dark when I disembarked, ignoring the concerned look the driver shot my way. There was nothing scary about the archives, and besides, I was a wolf shifter. I could take care of myself. The concern was touching though.

The door unlocked when I scanned my badge. I rode the elevator to the fourth floor, where I exited and began climbing the stairs. My heart was pounding with wariness and excitement. No one I knew had ever been in the restricted sections. They were closely monitored and guarded, which made me wonder how Arden had gotten me permission. I’d have to ask her later, but right now, I wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity.

I nearly sprinted up the stairs, finding the number of steps weird. A big number five was painted on the wall on the fifth-floor landing, complete with bright red warnings on the door and below the floor number. The massive security door gave me pause, but the light turned green when it read my thumbprint. A loud click signaled that it unlocked. I grabbed the handle, and with more effort than I expected, I pulled the door open and slipped inside.

A dimly lit hallway greeted me, and a shiver ran down my spine at the creep factor. This was where horror movies were filmed. I noticed the red neon signs above the doors, each reading a different pack name. Halfway down the hallway, a green neon sign that readDaywailluminated the small area with its different color. I beelined for that door and grabbed the handle, thankful that it wasn’t locked. I shut the door quietly behind me, adrenaline coursing through my veins as I waited and listened, convinced someone would appear to escort me out. When no one did after a couple minutes, my shoulders relaxed.

So far, so good.

I glanced around and found that it was lit up better than the hallway outside. I was on a balcony that ran circled the room. Ladders were placed around leading down into a room filled with bookcases. The walls below the balcony were covered in shelves that were full of books and papers.

I took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of books and old paper. It was the best smell in the world, in my opinion. With renewed excitement, I approached the closest ladder and began to descend.

Halfway down, my foot missed the next rung on the ladder. My fingers slipped from the handrail, and before I could correct my position, I fell through the air. I closed my eyes ready for the jarring impact when something unexpected happened. I landed in someone’s arms, and I heard the grunt as whomever caught the brunt of my fall.

My hands grabbed the person’s shoulders, a shuddering breath escaping my lips. My head tilted back, intending to thank them when my gaze clashed with stormy green-gray eyes. I gulped, realizing that Rylan had caught me and was now staring at my moon white hair. My hoodie had slipped off my head, exposing it.

I froze, unsure what to do while heat infused my cheeks and butterflies erupted in my stomach. Rylan was the very last person I expected to see here, and judging by his expression, so was I.

Chapter Twelve
