Page 3 of Moon Kissed

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“Okay.” I drew closer, hoping she’d give me more details.

“These packs aren’t what they used to be; there’s a darkness running through the minds of the dominant. Thoughts of greed and cruelty.”

I felt her words in my bones. I had experience with wolves who were selfish and didn’t care about who they stepped on to get to where they were.

I nodded, understanding what she was saying while her eyes grew unfocused, like she was remembering a painful time.

“I was the last hope to find an alpha that would unite the packs and do away with the corrupt hierarchy, but I was imprisoned instead.” Her lips trembled, and tears spilled from her piercing ice-blue eyes.

“Why?” I knew that the alphas were only out for themselves, but I hadn’t thought they’d go as far as imprisoning female wolves. What did she mean by an alpha to unite the packs?

“I’m the Alpha Seeker,” she whispered, her hand squeezing mine as she looked me in the eyes. “My mate was supposed to be the one to unite the packs and finally bring peace. I never found him though, and now it’s too late. I’m dying and need to carry out my duty to the Moon Spirit.”

I opened my mouth to ask what she meant when her hand clenched. I tried to jerk away, but she was too strong.

The blue in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with silvery-white irises. Her other hand grabbed my elbow as a bright light flashed. Fiery pain raced up my arm to my shoulder then my neck. I froze, unable to scream or even move as the pain reached the base of my skull. White filled my vision, and I feared I would pass out from the agony.

Suddenly, it stopped, and I found myself kneeling before the old woman. Her appearance had changed; no longer was her hair silvery-white but gray and lifeless. Her icy-blue eyes were now dull and flat.

“What did you do?” I whispered, her hands sliding off my arm, like she no longer had the strength.

“You’re the Seeker now,” she said then coughed. The gurgling sound in her throat reminded me of drowning. “Find your mate. He’ll unite the packs.”

“I don’t understand.”

She laughed weakly, swaying on the log, so I reached forward and gripped her shoulders to keep her from falling to the ground.

“My failure is now your mission. Be careful who you trust, but know that the Moon Spirit will guide you.” She swayed again, the gurgling sound from earlier growing louder.

She slumped on the log, and I heard the moment her heart gave out. I helped her limp body to the ground, sweeping her gray hair away from her face. She looked at peace, and I was glad that she was no longer in pain.

A rustling from the other side of the pond drew my wolf’s attention. I squeezed the woman’s shoulder one more time before standing and slipping into the trees just as several dark-colored wolves bounded into the clearing. Saliva dripped from their mouths, and I could smell their anger.

I stopped and ducked behind a tree, heart pounding as I listened to see if they would come after me.

“Dead,” a male voice spat in disgust.

“What now?” another asked.

“Be vigilant. Another Seeker might be out there. I want to know the second that she’s found,” the deep voice growled, and recognition hit me like a shot to the heart.


Chapter Two


So much for thinking time would ease her hatred.

‘I told you it wouldn’t work,’my wolf growled at me, furious.

I didn’t blame him; I was pissed at myself too for insisting that we leave. I thought it would be good for us and for Pearl.

‘Don’t blame her,’my wolf snarled, angry at me—for good reason.

Wolves saw the world in black and white while humans could see every shade in between. I thought we needed time apart. After everything happened, I thought space would heal what had been done.

We’d known from a very young age that Pearl was our mate. Our friendship was rock solid. I’d have done anything for her, and I knew she would have done the same for me.
