Page 12 of Pleasurer

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About the Author

Award-winning authour Niccoyan Zheng is a Canadian wife and mom to an amazing little guy. She loves travelling, but you’ll find her asleep en route. A lifelong reader, she loves great mysteries and epic love stories.

Dubbed the ‘Queen of Second Chance romances’. Niccoyan is a firm believer in letting the characters guide the story. (As if, they’d allow her not to) Her stories are rich in diversity and culture. While evoking a wide range of intense emotions.








Consumed: A Darkish Romance Excerpt…

If you would like to know more about Jonah’s cousin Azul Samson, you can read more about him inConsumed: A Darkish Romance.

Please see the excerpt below:


Her womb throbbed with longing, as she sat riveted listening to the laughing children playing out in the freshly falling snow. Crystal Janet Caldwell-Samson's womb wasn’t empty though, it was full. Just not with life. A metastasized tumour had invaded her cervix extinguishing her dreams.

That had been her payment for being a good wife, patiently waiting for when her husband thought it would be the right time to begin to try for children. Crystal had caught his eye when she was twenty-one. Things moved quickly then, only eight months to the proposal, and five weeks later they eloped. What was the harm of waiting two years, or allowing it to become four?

It allowed her husband Azul Samson his quick ascent to becoming a Lieutenant and was putting him on the fast track to be Chief in the fire department. All his efforts were single-mindedly directed to purchasing a home fit to raise a family in.

Nevermind the fact that Crystal could have had a check written and accomplished the sale years ago. Instead, she left her trust fund untouched, while they lived off of their salaries. Her husband needed to be the breadwinner, and it filled her with pride that her man would go to those lengths to secure their future.

All of these thoughts came to mind as Crystal sat in the lounge chair. Every day the amount of time she was able to sit upright dwindled. Crystal was alone, so she allowed herself the luxury to make her own decision. Even if that meant her body sagged under the weight of the pain receptors firing on all cylinders.

Despite taking a lighter dose of medication, she found herself drifting off to sleep. Crystal came awake suddenly, she didn't need to be told the cavalry had arrived.

A rare genuine smile blossomed. Amber had arrived. She was back home in their small Nova Scotian town.

Her only regret was she knew Amber would be intercepted. She wanted her to come straight to her.

Giving up on patiently waiting, after all, she was a dying woman, called out for Amber through the open door.

“Amber! I know you’re here.”

Of course, the door stood open.


She thought bitterly looking around it reminded her of a hospital room, at best a room at a convalescent home. All the medical equipment and devices had been added to make her life and care more tolerable. That meant it no longer resembled the place a young couple demonstrated their passion for each other.
