Page 10 of Love Blitz

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“Georgia.” My eyes stretched wide. “Shit.” She and Tatiana were likely somewhere in the house. I searched my mind for their whereabouts. Last I spoke to Georgia was a text message. I eased from the bed to find my phone. I was a terrible sister. I didn’t even know if she made it back to the house. I kneeled on the floor to find my purse.

The door flung open while I was on all fours crawling along the carpet. “Gigi?” Georgia stood in my door with her eyes wide. “Where are your clothes and why…”

I looked up to her and shook my head.Please be quiet.I couldn’t get the words to leave my lips though.

“What?” She looked from me to the bed. Her eyes landing on the rock of a man.

I reached forward and shut the door in her face. He wasn’t my man, but still a man in my bed and she didn’t need to see him in all his glory. I stood from the floor and looked at him.Oh, how glorious he was.

I rushed to my drawer and pulled out an oversized shirt and pair of shorts. A shower was necessary. The remnants of what Angelo did to my body clung to me like a drenched shirt. But I had to make it from my bedroom to the bathroom.

The bathroom was the one thing I was excited to give up in the first house I calledmine.Shawn’s house, where we decided we would live in wedded matrimony, had a lavish bathroom in the primary bedroom. I loved it.

I wrapped my hand around the doorknob of my door. Looked over my shoulder and took one lastlonggaze at the naked body that laid in my bed and left my room.

“Girl.” Georgia stood in front of me on the other side of my door. “Is that?” She tried to look over my shoulder as I pulled the door closed. “You said you were coming homealone,” she whispered as I continued to the bathroom. I tried to close the door. I needed a minute to take in everything. Angelo. The sex. The pendingcanceledwedding. I looked down at my legs.Throbbing.The mere mention of Angelo’s name made—shit.

“Oh no.” She shook her head. “He fucked you real good.”

I blinked my eyes and stared at Georgia. “What?” I leaned over the sink and turned on the water. I splashed it on my face. I’d need all the water available in Arizona to bring me back from the brink.

“Okay, so now death by drowning is an option.” Georgia smacked her lips. “From the looks of it, he fucked you good. I’d bask in all that morning-after glow instead of rinsing it away.”

Her arms were across her chest. Something like they’d be when she wanted to leave with me and my friends when we were younger. Like then, she wouldn’t budge until she got the answer she was looking for.

“Shh…” I looked at her in the reflection of the mirror. Georgia could have shared the womb with me we resembled so much. The main difference was her shade of brown was orangish, and mine had more of a yellow undertone. Her eyes were a little wider than mine. Other than that, if you didn’t know the difference, we were one and the same. It was only when she opened her mouth. Everything that poured from it was full of energy. She spoke, and people realized we weren’t all that alike after all.

“You’re going to wake him up.” I sighed. “Yes, we had sex. But the plan was to come home alone. That was until he got to my doorstep and the thought of him coming inside was better than me being alone.”

Her eyes widened and so did her mouth. “Damn.” She tilted her head to the side, and when she repeated my words back to me I cringed.

“I didn’t mean it likethat,” I huffed.

“Yet, that’s exactly how you said it though.” She snapped her fingers in front of my face. “I’m not even mad at it.” She moved her head out of the bathroom door. “From the little I saw of his naked body, it wasa lot.”

I rolled my eyes and tried to close the door. “I need to pee,” I squealed when she didn’t move.

“Not like I haven’t seen that before.” She laughed. “I need more details.” She reminded me, “It’s morning, and buddy looks mighty comfortable in your bed.”

He did. He looked more comfortable than Shawn ever did lying there. Shawn would tell me my bed wasn’t as comfortable as his. That my sheets itched his skin and my pillow made his neck hurt. I smirked as I sat on the toilet. “Shawn could never.”

With a tight-lipped smile, she uttered, “Imagine that.” Before she opened the door and left me to piss alone.

My bathroom was cute. Large enough for two people to comfortably go through their morning routine. The mornings when Shawn was rushing from my house, sometimes we’d share the space. He’d rush through brushing his teeth and washing his face over one sink. I cherished my well-thought-out dental routine over the other.

If I had to stay in the bathroom until Angelo left my house, I could. I stared at the ceiling and sighed.How did I get here?

There was a loud knock on my door that made my head drop. I shook it from side to side. Tatiana and Georgia invading my space may have been one of the dumbest decisions I made. Well, except for sexing the rock in my bed.

“Who is it?” I shouted.

My shoulders hunched as I held my breath. “Me,” Tatiana whisper shouted. “Let me in.” The lack of privacy in my home was mind numbing.

I mumbled, “Come in,” before she could get any louder. I stared at the peach wall instead of making eye contact with her though.

“Georgia told meyouhave a man in your bed.”

Coming home with Angelo would have been easier if I didn’t have two witnesses to the situation. I sighed. “Yes.”
