Page 17 of Love Blitz

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“Where you gonna be?” Jared challenged.

“Finding some chick to slide inside before I’m back on the plane.” He draped his arms over our shoulders and walked toward the exit.

We got the car from valet, and I made sure to slide dude a few extra dollars. On behalf of Gigi. I smirked when I climbed inside, thinking about the lame she was about to marry. “How you end up with someone who is trash?” I said, but gave the guys no context.

“Who?” Jared looked at me with his eyebrows squeezed together.

I said, “Gigi. Man, she told me about dude she would have married today, and he was bottom of the barrel.”

“Out here overlooking shit.” Cam leaned forward. “Bet it’s easier than you think.”

“Maybe so.” I mumbled, “Guys like him making us all look bad.”

Jared scoffed and his eyes went to Cam. “I mean…”

“Not me.” Cam’s voice was high pitched. “They mess with me and know up front. I’m not about to settle down anytime soon. Their ride token is only good for a single spin.”

We were all laughing as I drove through uptown. The buildings Gigi pointed out the first night coming into focus. Her favorite spot was on the left, and I pulled in. As we walked inside, I grew more excited to see her again. Like it hadn’t been a couple of hours since I last laid eyes on her.

I straightened my back and told myself it was only because I didn’t have much else to focus on. As soon as training camp started, my brain wouldn’t be able to process anything other than plays and players.

“We are meeting up with a few ladies,” I announced to the hostess standing in front of us. It took me a minute before I realized she was not listening. Her mouth hung open and her eyes wide. “Hello?”

“Sorry. Yes. What’d you say?” She combed her finger through her hair and blinked heavily. “Seats? You’d like to sit, right?”

Cam chuckled under his breath and tried to step forward. I already knew what he was on, but that stopped as soon as I heard a little laugh behind us.

“Yes, a table for six.” I looked at the hostess, who scrambled to grab menus. “Something in the back if you have it.” I rubbed a hand across my beard.

“Right this way.” As she moved forward I fell behind to walk beside Gigi.

“This dress…” I licked my lips and tried not to stare her down too much. But the strain in my pants was hard to ignore.

“And you’re out here looking all sophisticated.” Her lips only turned upward on one side of her mouth. “Handsome.”

I wagged my head and placed a hand on her lower back. Close to her ear, I whispered, “I was going for something a little more like sexy.”

She laughed and asked, “Is that right?”

The hostess stopped at a table in the corner. “Does this work for you all?”

“Works for me,” Tatiana announced as she took a seat and Jared joined her.

Georgia and Cam exchanged a look before sitting next to each other. I held the seat for Gigi and waited for her to settle before taking the seat beside her. She opened her menu, but everyone else was busy ordering drinks from the server.

“Shots?” Cam interrupted the ladies trying to order. The only objection around the table came from Gigi.

She cleared her throat and said, “I’m good tonight.” Her eyes flickered my way before they were back on the menu.

No matter how hard I tried to engage her, I could tell her entire mood was off. Between distant stares at the wall, or barely laughing at the banter around the table. And when her food came, she shoved it around with a fork.

Finally, I leaned over to Jared and said, “I’m going to get her out of here.”

Cam overheard me and interjected, “If you out, we all out.”

I hunched my shoulders and said, “I’ll call a car for you.” My eyes narrowed at him until he caught on.

He sighed and said, “Bet.”
