Page 24 of Love Blitz

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The paperwork requiring signatures stacked high on my desk. I made it through half before taking a break to search the internet. And what page did I end up on?NFL Shop.Then I had an idea. I searched for the Angelo Isaac jersey from Tennessee. It didn’t take me long to find it, and every other write up on thestar player.

Three pages in, and I realized he was the shit in college. There was even an article expressing his same concern, that he’d have to prove himself in the NFL. “Angelo Isaac has the potential to be a first-line QB on somebody’s team.”

I narrowed my eyes.“Somebody’s team.”

The idea of spending more time with Angelo made me hopeful for the future I had. I didn’t want to think too far ahead though. Not to anything more than what we experienced together already. There was potential, everything I told him about being kind was true. And the man was sexy as fuck. I mean, I’d be crazy to say he wasn’t a full package. But he also made it clear that football was his main priority.

With all that, still, I didn’t consider the possibility that he could not be in Phoenix anymore. That whatever we had wouldn’t stand a chance next to a move across country. A trade that would land him somewhere else.

I chewed my lip then clicked off the internet. That was the problem with a mid-day break anyway. Got all types of distracted.

A heavy vibration in my jacket had me patting my pockets. Georgia and Tatiana weren’t at my house, but their constant texts throughout the night hadn’t stopped. I looked at my phone and felt a flutter in my stomach.

His name had my fingers racing to open the message.

Angelo: What’s your favorite lunch spot?

That was an easy answer, but my reply made my stomach growl. I skipped breakfast that morning rushing from the house. Leaving his embrace was tougher than it should have been.

Gianna: Easy. Fry Bread House. Amazing.

I waited for the bubbles to let me know his response was coming. Not many people knew anything about fry bread. Shawn didn’t when he moved to Phoenix. The first time I pulled up to the little restaurant, he wore a scowl until he smelled the food. Then he became an instant fan.

But Angelo didn’t respond. No questions asked, no response sent.

Okay.I heard footsteps nearing me and knew the little reprieve I had from patients was over. It was on to the next one. “Dr. Hayes,” a tap on my door accompanied it, “He’s ready.”

“On my way.”

My next patient was different from the first. He didn’t care much about my personal life. Never asked if I was married, or dating, hardly cared how my day was going. He’d sit mouth opened, staring up at the TV hanging from the ceiling.

I walked in, sat down, and asked, “Mr. Seymour.” He looked at me with a whimsical smile. Unlike any he’d given me in the past. “How are you?”

“Doing great.” He tilted his head toward me and said, “How was the wedding?”

My eyes went to the hygienist standing behind him. She had a panicked look on her face before she tried to intervene. “Mr. Hayes doesn’t look to have any cavities. He’s complaining of a little irritation in his gums though.”

I grabbed the probe, but before I stuck it in his mouth, I responded. “Mr. Seymour , this Saturday should have been my wedding day. How’d you know?”

He chuckled. “Seems like it was the talk of the office the last two visits. Last time I was here I tucked it somewhere in my mind that when I came back you’d be married.”

My eyes crinkled around the edges. The man who seemed not to care about anything was listening to everything. “Ah.” I smiled even though the news I was going to give him wasn’t worthy of the energy it took to lift my lips. “I canceled it.”

His eyes went from me to the TV, then back again before he offered, “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you are okay.” His eyes were set on me until I nodded. “Good. You seem to be an amazing person. Whatever the reason the wedding didn’t happen, I hope you’ll achieve happiness regardless.”

“Thank you.” I opened his mouth, the probe hanging from it as I said, “I appreciate that. I truly do.”

His eyes were on the TV again. Back to his routine.Achieve happiness regardlesswas heavy on my mind after he left the chair though. I looked to the hygienist and joked, “I should get a shirt that says, ‘Not Married,’ or ‘I didn’t.’”

She cringed. “Or we could let your patients know during the cleaning.” With a smirk, she said, “Like a PSA. Dr. Hayes was not married, no questions please.”

We laughed and I hunched my shoulder. “Lesson learned. Do not share your business with everyone.” I put my finger in the air. “If nothing else, I hear that loud and clear.”

“Especially with,” she whispered, “jabber jaws in the front.” Her eyes widened as she highlighted Lora Leigh’s weakness. “Your business. My business. Anyone’s business becomes her business without hesitation.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “The woman is messy.”

I kept my mouth shut, but my eyes stretched. I didn’t want to make it a habit of talking about the other staff members. The last thing I needed was that coming back on me too.

“I’m getting hungry,” I told her. “I better figure out what I’m eating for lunch.” As I walked away, Jenna’s laugh rang out behind me.
