Page 33 of Love Blitz

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I pointed to her. “Like the burnt food.”

Someone bumped my shoulder and I looked at the man beside me. The lounge had even more people than when I walked in. Only a week before I was in a sports bar where I met Angelo. “So much happened in such little time.” I blinked. “We metlastweek.”

“Usually, I’d tell you it’s crazy for you to be all caught up in him. But dude seems legit. What’s the problem?” Her nose scrunched. “His dick small?” She shook her head with her lips puckered. “Terrible. That big ass man with a little dick.”

I laughed. “No.” I put my hand on her leg. “It isn’t small. And there are no issues in the bedroom at all.” The thought of his dick, his tongue, and how they both conquered my body made my pussy quiver. “None at all.”


“Football.” It was simple. I explained, “Training camp started, and he texted. But by the time I responded after getting lost in that damn crochet, he didn’t even reply.”

She lifted her hands in the air. “Okay, on one hand he sounds like the best thing since sliced bread. On the other, you must share him with football.” She sucked her teeth. “At least it’s not another woman.”

I closed my eyes then said, “Don’t forgetthatwas only two weeks ago.”

“I mean.” She hunched her shoulders then called for the bartender again. “Let me get another martini for her. And a gimlet for me.”

I waved my hand to the bartender. “No martini. I’m good.”

“Didn’t you say you were home alone? Girl, better get liquored up. When is the last time you had to resort to the vibrator? Telling you now it won’t be the same.” She shook her head and left me wide-eyed looking between her and the bartender.

“Gianna?” The person attached to that voice wasn’t anyone I’d want to see. Latrice tapped my shoulder. “I thought that was you. How are you?” Her voice was a nasally annoyance. But worse, she was one of Shawn’s acquaintances. Someone he worked with when he first moved to Phoenix. And somehow she made it to his friend circle.

“Good.” My lips were tight as I responded.

“And Shawn? How’s he doing? I haven’t seen you two in forever.” She looked full of hope and excitement. A big bubbly smile on her face. When she was at game night, I avoided her at all costs. It was something about her that got under my skin.

“He’s good.” I hoped she would keep it moving. Move to another part of the lounge.

When she didn’t, asking, “What’s he doing these days?”

“You sure have a lot of questions aboutShawn.” Tatiana sipped her drink and eyed Latrice over the rim. “Hopefully he fell down a cliff. If not, next time you’re around him, trip him for me.” She rolled her eyes and sipped some more.

Latrice and I gasped. “Tatiana,” I said, looking at her with my mouth open.

“What? You don’t want the same?” Tatiana smirked.

“Why would she want that for her boy…fiancé?” Latrice tapped my hand. “He’s your fiancé, right?”

“Was,” I told her. “We aren’t together anymore.”

Latrice looked to Tatiana and pointed. “Makes more sense now.” Her hand rubbed across mine. “Sorry to hear that.” A soft smile came across her face and I felt the pity it implied. “It was nice seeing you though.” She walked away before a response was necessary.

“Good God.” Tatiana rolled her eyes. “That’ll get exhausting. Explaining to everyone who asks what his ass is doing. But not you over here being nice about it. That man deserves no such thing.”

“As much as I hate what happened to us, I don’t hatehim.”

She retorted, “You should.” She elaborated, “Over here considering his feelings after all this. Girl, you gotta do better. If it were me, I’d give him the bottom of my shoe to lick at every opportunity. My ass to kiss—”

I grabbed her shoulder and squeezed. “I got it.”Did I though?Years went by with me putting Shawn first. Ignoring how he treated me. Deciding what he wanted was best in most cases, even if it wasn’t what I desired. “That’s why I need to slow down with Angelo.”

“How’d we get there?” She frowned. “That’s not what I was talking about. In fact, the opposite. If you want that dude. Make it known. Don’t let something good pass you by because you fear the what-ifs. Gigi, the worst that could happen to a woman in a relationship has happened to you.” She paused. “And look, a week later you have already recovered. Don’t pump the brakes now.”

“I don’t know.” I explained, “I survived him because something better came along.”

“It happened once.” She beamed. “If this ain’t it, it could happen again.”

