Page 39 of Love Blitz

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“Good,” his voice lightened up, “Because it seems you might be out here more often, huh?”

“Yeah,” I sighed. “It’s looking like it.”

“Listen,” he cleared his throat, “Don’t feel bad. This is the game you are playing. Injuries happen. Do your best to not cause them or get one. And enjoy the moment. This could be a moment for you to highlight your skills before Mario returns or your time to take his spot.”

The thought made my stomach churn. “For now, I hope he isn’t out long.”

“I’ll hope the same, son.” He snickered. “But if he happens to be out for that first game, I wouldn’t mind seeing my boy on the field in person.”

“Yeah, I’ll keep you posted. You and Mom good?” In college, I had dreams of retiring my parents. Giving them back half of all they’d given me. But because I wasn’t drafted high, I couldn’t make the play. I had to wait for that dream to become a reality.

He chuckled and I knew his mind was somewhere in the gutter. My parents acted like newlyweds, even after twenty-plus years of marriage. “Me and your mama are great.” He paused, “We’d be better if you were working on a relationship too.”

“Huh?” My dad had always been against me having a girlfriend. He told me they were a distraction of epic proportions when I was in high school.

He whispered, “Your mama is listening, you know how I feel about that though.”

I laughed. “Well, tell her not to worry about that.”

“Hold on.”

“AJ.” My mama’s voice was loud in the phone. “You found you a girl out there in the desert?” She mumbled, “Guess all that heat is good for something. When can I meet her?”

“Whoa.” I twisted my lips. “I was speaking hypothetically. You don’t have to worry about me. One day, I’ll find someone and chill out.”

She smacked her lips. “Had me all excited.”

I couldn’t tell her about Gigi. Not after two weeks. Especially after her ex showed up to her doorstep. Not with me about to take the field as the starting QB. I’d never hear the end of it, and I didn’t know if we were at the end of us.

I wasn’t walking away from Gigi, but her ex could be trying hard to intercept what we had going on.

“Well,” Mama said, “Don’t keep me waiting long. I’m ready to spoil some babies.”

“Wow, Mama.” I laughed. “Slow down, woman.”

“Anyway, I love you.”

“And I love you.” After hanging up, I felt more at ease about the game. But there was a new concern on my mind. Like my daddy always advised, I should have left it alone. Avoided the epic distraction. But like a bee, she was my pollen, and I couldn’t stay away.

I wanted to hear her voice, needed to hear her voice. I wanted to see her body, feel each curve beneath mine. On the night before I’d be taking to the field as the starting QB, I needed to leave that to my imagination though.

I dialed her number and waited for the sound of her voice to fill my car. “Angelo?”

“It’s me,” I said as a grin overtook my face. Crowding out all worry and concern. Filling me with hope and desire.Damn.I wanted to ask how her talk went with the ex. Confirm he wasn’t a problem. But I didn’t want to sound desperate either. “How was work today?”

She laughed a little before saying, “I haven’t talked to you since my ex showed up. Is my day at work really what you want to hear about?”

The lightness in her voice did something to me. I was eager to hear her talk more. “You’re right, I want to know you kicked dude to the curb. Told him to get lost. To kick a cactus barefoot.”

She was laughing loudly into the phone. Then it settled and she whispered, “Damn. Thought I was bad. He’s gone. Out of my life for certain, never to return. At least not with an invite from me.”

My eyebrows bunched together. “Was he invited last time?”

“No,” she huffed. “Not at all.”

I explained, “I could have rocked him. Like knocked the shit out of him.” I told her, “I’m not violent. But he had me wanting to show him what it’d be like lining up with me on the field.”

