Page 45 of Love Blitz

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I walked straight into Angelo’s outstretched arms. “Hey, you,” I said, looking up at him.

“Hey, you.” He kissed the top of my head. “You ready?”

I sighed. “As I’m gonna be.”

He looked down at my jersey before pulling my hand into the air and twirling me around. “Okay, I see you out here rocking my name.” His eyes widened before his lips did. “I like it.”

“Not exactly the best outfit for dinner.” I scrunched my nose. “Or meeting your people.”

“Shit, they all have matching jerseys,” he said proudly. “Y’all will all match.” He hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Maybe I should grab mine. Then we’ll all look like one big happy family.”

My heart started to race a little faster. The idea of being a member of his family wasn’t something I was even considering. Not even with Tatiana mentioning me going down the aisle again. When she said it, it was a reminder of what didn’t happen. Angelo mentioning it, made me feel all gooey inside. Like a cloud transcended the sky and I walked on top.

“Doesn’t it stink though?”

He shook his head. “I have more than one jersey.”

I rubbed my stomach. “If I weren’t starving, I’d say go for it.”

“C’mon, birthday girl, let’s get you to this restaurant.” He laced his fingers with mine and we walked from the stadium to his car.

From his passenger seat I said, “I watched football growing up with my dad. He should have tried at least one more time for a boy.” I smirked. “Anyway.” Thinking it worked out best for me. “I don’t know everything about the game, but I know you showed the fuck out on the field tonight.”

His eyes stretched as he looked at me. “You said that with your whole chest.”

“I’m just saying. You came out a little nervous.” I didn’t want to dwell on the part of the game that had me clutching the sides of my head and peeking through slitted eyes. “But once you worked those out.” I smiled. “You did that.”

He plucked the collar of his polo shirt. “I did, huh?”

“Sure the hell did.”

“You better stop before my head can’t exit the car.” He laughed.

“Whatever, I want to give you all your flowers.” I tilted my head to the side. “You deserve it.”

If Angelo could have blushed his cheeks would be rosy red. Instead, I saw the depths of his dimples, and that made me smile wider. “Here we are.” He pulled up to the door where a valet was waiting.

I looked down at my shorts and said, “Ugh, Angelo.” I side-eyed him. “Pretty sure they have a dress code.”

He shrugged. “And?”

I pointed to my jersey in case he forgot that quick.

“You’re good. I promise you.” He hopped out of the car and was at my door with a hand ready to snatch mine up. “Wait.” He tugged me to the side. “Let me get this in before we’re inside.”

He leaned down and took my lips into his. The kiss was slow, needy. His hands roamed my ass, the little covered by my shorts. Then the jersey lifted, and they roamed my back. The warmth from the heat around us combined with the heat from his hands. I was ready to skip dinner and an introduction to his parents.

“Angelo?” Never did I ever pray that the unknown voice belonged to a random person like I did when I heard the syllables of his name.

He pulled away from me, smoothed my jersey down, then winked. He turned and said, “Good, y’all are here.” He cleared his throat. “Let me introduce you tomy girl…”

I wanted to yell, “Wait.” I needed him to run that back. Not because I wasn’t listening. But because I was listening too damn hard. I had to miss what he said. No way did I hear what I thought I heard.

“Nice to meet you, Gigi?” A woman who was much shorter than Angelo but had the same set of dimples outstretched her hand toward me.

“Nice to meet you. It’s Gianna, but you can call me Gigi.” I looked up at Angelo and smiled tightly.

“I like Gigi.” The woman standing beside his mother stretched her arms wide. “Not every day we get to meet Angelo’swoman.” She pulled me into a tight embrace.
