Page 59 of Love Blitz

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I pecked her navel and watched her ease against the pillow. “I was hungrier than I thought.”

She ran a finger down my nose and said, “I see.” Her eyes could hardly stay open. The thin slit was wide enough to watch me cross the room. “My body missed you.”

“I hope you did too.” I looked over my shoulder while digging through my drawer. A rigid wrapper brushed against my finger, and I retrieved the condom.

“Oh, I missed you.” But her eyes were on my dick, and never have I ever felt the need to connect with someone in my life.

“Keep that shit up, and I may not let you leave my house.”

She licked her lips and spread her legs a little wider.



Nothing could drop the smile from my face. Not even nosey Lora Leigh standing in my office door like she had bad news to spread. “Yes?” I asked, pausing the typing I needed to finish to get out of the office. I didn’t intend on giving in to Angelo’s request to waltz around his house practically bare ass naked. But on more than one occasion, that’s exactly how I ended up after work.

As I serviced my last patient, day after day, for weeks, I was rushing from the office to his place. The beautiful house was nothing compared to the time we shared in it. Nights of us making up for the little break, reacquainting ourselves with each other’s bodies. Waking in the middle of the night talking about our wildest dreams that we had yet to fulfill. He surprised me when he let me in on his plan to start a youth summer camp.

I had no idea he wanted to help the community. Especially not kids … and that led to another conversation. One that me and Shawn couldn’t agree on.If, and when, we would have kids. I wanted them as soon as we walked down the aisle, Shawn wanted to wait a few years.

Angelo seemed on board to start filling me with his seed as soon as humanly possible.

“I said something came for you.” Lora Leigh blinked hard. Waving a card in my face. Her other hand behind her back. “Came with this.”

The red rose sashaying in the air as she approached my desk made my already wide smile, even wider. I snatched the card from her hand then mumbled, “Sorry,” when I realized how vicious I seemed.

Join me in Dallas for Thanksgiving. – The Bachelor

Even though I didn’t want to think of him as a bachelor, I laughed at his signature. I finally fought off the hater on my shoulder who told me I shouldn’t enjoy the moment. The happiness presented before me. In the grand scheme of things, maybe Angelo fucked up. But the single fuck up he made was not as disastrous as the many Shawn committed. On a scale, Angelo barely moved it. I was willing to accept he could become trash, or once again say something dumb out the side of his mouth. The risk was well worth the reward. He played football, but I was willing to give him three strikes.

“What’s it say?” Lora Leigh strained her neck over my desk.

I didn’t realize she was still standing in my office. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have held the card open. I would have shoved it back into the envelope.

“Nothing you need to know. Who dropped it off?”Did I miss a chance at seeing him?

“Definitely not that fine ass man who is ten times better than the last one you were with.” She cleared her throat when I widened my eyes. “I mean. It was some young white guy.” She walked to the door. Over her shoulder, she said, “If Angelo Isaac wants to play matchmaker, let him know I’m available.”

I cackled. “Oh, okay.” Then smiled. “I’ll be sure to tell him.” Angelo Isaac was busy enough with one reality show. I needn’t worry him with another.

I grabbed my phone and waited for him to answer. “You’re going all in with thisBachelorthing, huh?”

“Hey, it worked the first time. I’m a man of learn and repeat.” He laughed. “What you think? We doing a hometown visit or what?”

I balled over in laughter, and I could hear him snickering into the phone. Then telling someone in the background to, “Mind your business.”

“I won’t keep you,” I told him, “But absolutely. I’ll join you on this hometown visit.” Thankfully, meeting his family was a hurdle we already crossed. The next was letting mine know I wouldn’t be providing the sweet potato pie this year.

* * *

We landed in Dallas to a ton of fanfare. Cameras greeted us in baggage claim, and the flashes made me tense. “You good?” Angelo asked as he used his body to shield me.

“How’d they even know you’d be here?”

He shrugged. “Who knows.”

Before we stepped out of the airport, he said, “Don’t be mad.”
