Page 61 of Love Blitz

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Angelo wrapped an arm around Corinne’s shoulder and then poked a finger to her side. “It may not hurt to skip that second one this year.”

That gained him another smack on his arm from his mom. “Watch your mouth, boy.”

Corinne stuck her tongue out, and it felt like I washome.“But you know,” Corinne started kneading bread. “I already got an alert on you.”

Angelo opened a pot on the stove and asked, “An alert? What kind of alert?”

I stood beside the counter, ready to ask where I could jump in.

“That little kiss at the airport, all over the internet.” Corinne didn’t look at me or Angelo. “Hope the two of you are in it to win it. ’Cause the think pieces are about to start rolling.”

“Think pieces?” I questioned. I knew Corinne was a journalist, and my knowledge of the internet gossip didn’t extend beyond what I read on occasion.

“Yeah, folks will start digging into your compatibility. Background. Noting they’ve never seen him with a woman. Speculating on a wedding.”

The lump in my throat grew larger with each of her words. “Wedding?”

Angelo joined my side, wrapping an arm around my waist. “It’s cool. By the next game they’ll forget about my life off the field.”

Corinne eyed him. “She’s beautiful. Accomplished. A winner if you ask me. They’ll want to watch this develop.” She plopped the dough onto the counter and started rolling it out.

“Good thing you already got your mess up out the way,” his mama warned from across the room.

His daddy’s concern, “Don’t let all that noise distract you.”

I could agree with both. Everything was damn near ideal. The last thing I wanted was for him to get distracted by some craziness.

“I mean, it could be worse. At least they are talking about love instead of me knocking some dude out for taking my picture in the airport.”

His mama scoffed, “You better not ever even think about putting your hands on someone.” She pointed a wooden spoon in his direction. “I’ve seen what that has done to a player’s reputation. Endorsement deals off the table. You don’t need none of that.”

“Mama, come on now. You know me better than that.” Angelo continued back and forth with his family.

I was stuck on his comment… “Talking about love.”Were they talking about love? Could it even be possible after a few months of knowing him?The feeling in my chest was familiar. Non-stop thoughts of Angelo were something I remembered from my relationship with Shawn. But it was something new that had me questioning, “Is it?” It was this overwhelming feeling ofpeace.Not only when I was with him, but even when we were apart.

It felt like no matter what was going on in my world, with him, everything was easier. A patient with a broken crown, or a mouth full of cavities—no problem. Dr. Tony insisting I took more patients than required—all good. Lora Leigh testing my last nerve—who cares?

“Gianna,” I heard my name across the room, “Do you cook?”

From all the staring eyes, I didn’t know if his mama had asked more than once, but I answered, “Yes ma’am.”

“See, I knew I liked you.” She winked. “What’s your expertise?”

I smiled. “For Thanksgiving, sweet potato pie.”

“We are in luck. Pie crust and ingredients are right here. Feel free to start on that.” His mama pointed to a pile of sweet potatoes and the pre-made crusts.

I washed my hands and got to work. Corinne was as lively as Georgia, and working beside her and Mrs. Isaac made the day pass quickly.

Before we sat down to eat, I went to Angelo’s childhood room. His parents hinted at us sleeping in separate rooms. Then Corinne mocked, “And you think they haven’t crossed that bridge already?”

“Hey,” Angelo moved from his bathroom toward me, “thanks for helping out down there.”

I smiled and wiped a hand down his chest. “It was fun,” I said, “I like your family.” Then I dared, “And they may like me too.”

He pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, “Who wouldn’t like you? You the shit, Gigi.”

“You’re not too bad yourself.”
