Page 54 of Healing the Storm

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“Wade!” a deep voice boomed behind me, and I spun to see Blake, Hazel, and Ryder plunging into the flood waters on horseback. “Let her go!”

But he didn’t.

Not even as his horse fell violently sideways, taking them both down in the water. I watched in horror until my eyes caught sight of the glimmer of something silver in his hands, appearing from the water.

And in one quick motion, he cut the rope.

Sighs of relief escaped behind me, a hand landing on my shoulder as Ryder and Blake thundered forward to help Wade. I looked up, Hazel peering down at me.

“Let’s get you out of this water, Chey.” She released her hand, offering it as a way up onto her horse. “They’ve got Wade.”

I nodded, shock replacing any amount of feeling I had as I grabbed onto her wrist. She dropped her foot from the stirrup for me to use, and I slung myself and Takoda up onto the back of her horse, sitting behind the saddle. I peered over her shoulder, my eyes going to Wade and his horse, surrounded by Ryder and Blake, blocking my view. The horse was standing, Wade still clinging to the saddle.

“Is he okay?” I choked out, startled when Hazel spun her horse around, headingawayfrom them.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” Hazel replied. “But the two of you need to get warm soon, or you won’t be.” Her horse picked up into a slow lope, passing another two cowboys heading toward Wade. I clung to Hazel with my free arm, resigning to doing what she said.

My body wasexhausted.

Mud flew as we thundered across the pasture, her horse’s breathing resembling the sounds of a freight train, deep and heavy. I let it comfort me in the moment, and within just a handful of minutes or so, the sound switched from sloshing to a distinct clatter of hooves to concrete.

But Hazel didn’t slow down.

We flew the barn at a gallop, tearing through the yard to the house. I gazed around Hazel, seeing the shadow of a figure opening the side door of the house.

“We need to go,” Hazel shouted. “Takoda isn’t good.”

“I’ll grab some dry clothes, blankets, and call Dr. Dewy.” I recognized Hazel’s mother’s voice. “Meet you at the truck.”

“Got it.”

Hazel slowed down as we made it to the ranch truck sitting outside of the garage. She scooted and jumped down from the horse, leaving me sitting atop the gelding, still cradling Takoda. “Let me have him, Chey.” She outstretched her arms.

I shook my head, tears rolling down my cheeks. “I can’t...” I could feel him weakly whimpering in my arms, and my heart nearly broke at the sound.

“Just long enough for you to get down—that’s it, okay? You can hold him the whole way to the clinic. The doctor has power from the backup generators.”

“Okay,” I whispered, handing him down to her. Hazel held him, stripping off her jacket and wrapping it around his shivering body.

“Are you okay to get down?” she asked me, her face suddenly growing with concern. “Do you feel all right? Do we need to take you to the hospital?”

“No, no,” I said quickly, gathering my wits about me. “I’m cold and kind of shocked, but it’s just everything that’s happened this evening—I’m fine.”

I think.

I leaned against the back of the saddle, hoping that my legs wouldn’t fail me as I slid off the horse. Thankfully, my muscles worked, and I took a deep breath, running my hands over my face.

“What about Wade?” I managed to ask as I took a step toward Hazel, her holding out Takoda to me.

“I’m sure that he’s fine, and if he’s not, the guys will make sure he gets wherever he needs to go. Let’s just focus on you and Takoda, okay?” There was something to the tone of her voice that rattled me, but I didn’t press, nodding as I clung to Takoda. I kissed the top of his head as she grabbed Bear’s reins, leading him right into the open garage. She pulled out her phone, typing something out, before removing his bridle and hanging it on the horn of the saddle.

“Are you going to leave him in the garage?” I asked, my voice quivering.

“Yeah, he’ll be fine.” She chuckled as she used the get-down rope to tie him up loosely. “I sent the barn help a text to come and put him up for me. It’s not a big deal. It’s not the first time I’ve left him in the garage, actually.” She turned back to me. “Let’s get you back to the truck. We’ll get you wrapped in a blanket and once we get to the vet clinic, you can change into some dry clothes. We don’t want to shock your body too fast, anyway—or something like that.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her as she shot me a wink, opening up the passenger door. Just as she did, her mom reappeared, her arms full of blankets and clothes.

“Here…” She handed Hazel a towel before turning to me. “I’m so glad you’re okay—bothof you.” She gently stroked Takoda’s head. “Hazel is going to get you two down to Dr. Dewy’s office. I’ll wait for the boys to make it back to the house. They might need some help.”
