Page 67 of Healing the Storm

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“What?” I didn’t think I had heard her right.

“Yeah, I’mpregnant—and yes, it’s yours. It couldn’t be anyone else’s.” She sounded almost irritated as the words finally landed.

Oh shit.

God, I hope she wants to stay.



“Are you going to say anything?” I demanded, wrapping my arms around myself in the barn office. Wade looked like a deer in headlights, his eyes like saucers as he just...

Stared at me.

“I... I’m trying to process it. It’s a lot to take in.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I mean, I love you, Cheyenne—and we can do this. I’m just still a little shocked. You’re staying, right? I know I asked you to stay, but you didn’t say anything.” Wade’s voice was rushed and worried, though he was taking it a lot better than I had expected...

Well, I also hadn’t expected to come back to a horse as a present, either.

“I’ll stay as long as you’resurethat’s what you want.” I knew he had already said he wanted me to, but my mind needed every bit of reassurance that it could get in the moment.

“Of course.” Wade reached for me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his chest. “I want nothing more than for you to stay.”

I let myself rest against him, breathing in the scent of his cologne as we stood there in the now-messy office. Maybe I should’ve waited to break the news to him, but there was no right moment to say it. And honestly, the fact that he had done a one-eighty was enough of a sign for me.

“My parents are going to be so excited—and Hazel. She’ll probably lose her shit.” He chuckled.

“Um, actually...” I leaned away from him, giving him a sheepish smile. “She already knows.”


“Yeah, she kind of happened upon me having a moment, and I told her the truth—she also bought my Tahoe for me,” I added, bracing for his reaction.

“Damn, she really upped me, didn’t she? I thought the horse would be the perfect gift, but then there goes my sister, buying you a fuckingcar.”

I burst into laughter, shaking my head. “I think it’s much harder for you to let go of Roanie, than it is for Hazel to buy a car—but it’s not a competition, and I’ll gladly give them both back if I need to keep the peace.”

“I’m just impressed you actually areacceptingthe gifts.” He stepped away from me, holding my hand and leading me out of the office. “You’re stubborn when it comes to taking some help.”

My eyes flickered to Takoda, who was rolling around in an open stall’s shaving pile. “Yeah, you know, I should probably accept help more often—like why don’t you give Takoda a bath?”

He rolled his eyes at me. “I should’ve known. Let’s go, then. We can come back out after his bath time—but this guy is staying inside.” Wade swooped up Takoda into his arms, leading the way out of the barn. “Hestinks.”

“That’s what happened when you think rolling around in horse shit is fun,” I snorted, chuckling as we headed toward the main house. I left my Tahoe there in front of the barn, figuring I could move it later. It felt surreal as I followed Wade into the house, realizing that this was no longer my temporary home...

I was staying.

I have to call Leia.

My head spun as I kicked off my boots by the back door as Wade sat Takoda down so he could do the same. There was so much that was changing in my life—and it was changingfast.

However, my thoughts paused as we headed to the other side of the house. I knew the moment that we walked into the kitchen that everyone already knew the news. Blake, Hazel, and their parents were standing around the island, eyeing Wade and I as we walked in, Takoda in tow.

The two of us exchanged glances, before Wade spoke up, giving all four of them a look. “Yes, I know.”

Hazel burst into laughter, clapping her hands. “I know that y’all probably wanted to tell everyone, but I couldn’t hold it in—and then when I found out that you were giving Roanie to Cheyenne, I just couldn’t contain it anymore!”

“Congratulations.” His mom gave me a warm smile. “I just really hope that this means you’ll be extending your stay...”
