Page 82 of Healing the Storm

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I nodded, believing him as everyone else stood silently. I had a feeling they all knew, it was just going to be a matter of who was willing to snitch.

“Come on, boys,” Dad urged. “I don’t want to be out here all night. I just want to get this sorted and send you all on your way. We got a cattle truck that’s gonna be here to load up in six hours—and I’d like to spend that time sleeping.”

“This is fucking stupid,” Ryder snapped. “Everyone has their own damn opinions, and there ain’t no way that you can fire someone for that.”

“Code of conduct was broken,” I shot back at him. “And there’s more than that for you, man.”

“It was Ryan and Ryder,” Bob, the ranch manager, said, rolling his eyes. “It ain’t no secret. They was both in the tack room earlier this evening, saying they were repairing saddles. Since it was gonna storm, I didn’t want to worry myself about what they were doing. I just wanted to get a drink and hit the hay.”

“Is that true?” I demanded, my eyes bouncing between Ryan and Ryder.

Ryan looked like he was shaking in his boots. “I didn’t start the conversation, man. I just was talking with him. I didn’t mean anything by it. I’ve been working real hard to get those saddles ready to be sold, and it’s fucking exhausting to be working so late. I just tell Ryder whatever he wants to hear.”

“Wait, what saddles?” Dad interjected, his voice growing cold. My mind replayed the text that he had shown me.

“The ones that you’re having Ryder sell?” Ryan was looking more and more terrified by the minute.

“You really have been pawning off our shit,” Dad roared, turning to Ryder.

“Nah.” He shook his head.

“You’re fired,” Dad shot back. “Pack your shit and get the hell out of here.”

“Fuck you,” Ryder spat at our feet as he stormed out. “You don’t know how much you just messed up!” He slammed the door on his way out, the sound echoing through the barn.

“I’ll let you off with a warning,” I turned to Ryan. “But if Ieverhear you say something about my family again, you’regone.”

“Yes, sir.” He nodded, cringing back.

“All right. Have a good night, boys.” I gave them a nod, motioning for the door.

“I’ll make sure Ryder gets out of here,” Blake grunted, following the hands out of the barn. “I have a feeling his threat wasn’t that empty.”

“I’m fucking going to bed,” Dad groaned, patting my shoulder and heading for the door.

And I’m going back to finish what I started.

A grin stretched across my face.


Bonus Chapter

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Also by OliviaReign

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