Page 11 of Healing the Heart

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When I returned to my office, I rested the cup before him, getting another whiff of his cologne. When I met his gaze, his blue eyes were not filled with questions but held…heavy desire.

Our fingers brushed while pulling away, sending familiar sparks right through me. Oh God, help me to get through these next few hours without spontaneously combusting.

* * *

When I arrived home that evening—a tiny little cottage that came with the job—I kicked off my modest heels, passed the hallway, and tipped right into my bed.

Those two hours had been the most challenging in my life, heart-fluttering, knee-weakening, head-spinning hours. John’s presence was magnetic. You could not be near him without your attention being dragged there.

It had been so goddamn hard not to think of how he had hauled me unto his lap, settling me on his cock and ordering me to ride him. That cowboy made my body sing notes I’ve never been close to touching before. I still remember his lips, hands on my body…and hard, rough sex…

“Ugh,” I grunted, sitting up and shaking my head. “Get it together, Ray. It won’t happen again. Even worse, you’re his kids’ guidance counselor, for God’s sake. Don’t shit where you eat. Remember what Daddy said.”

Despite that memo to myself, my mind lingered on John all day, and while I warmed up my leftovers for dinner, I wondered what dinner looked like at his house. If he was as rich as they said, did he have an army of fancy chefs at his beck and call?


The microwave jolted me out of my thoughts, and I got my food out, sat at the small round table, and ate. The baked chicken I’d made yesterday felt a bit lackluster, and I didn’t know why.

I had this weird taste in the back of my mouth…or maybe it was a craving in the middle of my belly. Finished, I washed up, parked my butt in front of the TV, clicked the medium flat screen, and opened Netflix.

A few episodes of a mildly funny rom-com in, I shut it off and headed to the bathroom for a shower but decided to fill the tub instead. Maybe a hot soak would get rid of these jangly nerves still jumping in my middle.

Dropping some scented oils in the water, I shed my clothes and stepped in. The moment the water touched my lady bits and sent a zing through me, I realized what the trouble was. I wanted John and a replay of that night. Since I had left John’s bed, I’d been left wanting; arousal had smoldered in my belly, low and hot, even though it would never be realized again.

Restless hunger consumed me, and I couldn’t stop thinking about him, his sex, and how he had mastered my body. The harder I tried to shove those thoughts away, the harder they became to ignore. My blood heated, and my clit throbbed, my body clamoring for an orgasm.

Tilting my head back, I traced the tips of my fingers down my chest, then cupped each full breast in turn. Gently, I tugged on my nipples, pinching and rolling them, and the heat tingled. I wanted it to sizzle.

Not to be deterred, I sat up and pulled out a wicker drawer that held some of my waterproof toys and grabbed a small vibrator. Closing my eyes, I remembered when John undressed me and lay on the bed. The hunger in his eyes, the firm grip of his callused touch, and holding unto the memory tweaked my nipples again.

“Yes,” I whispered to the empty room, lifting my hips from the tub.

With my eyes still closed and my head filled with him, I had the vibrator on, parted my folds, and placed the rotating, ridged head of the bullet against my clit. The sensations made my head spin, and I kept it there, riding the highs until I moved it inside me. I slid two fingers into my slit and rubbed my clit, rapidly moving my fingers wrist to keep up with the sensation spiraling inside my body.

My breaths came faster and sharper and sharper. I dug my heels in and lifted my pelvis as the vibrator pleasured me in erratic, undefinable patterns that short-circuited my brain.

God, I wanted his mouth back on me.

Making tight circles around my clit with my thumb—imagining his hand there instead—I moaned in ecstasy. My heart pounded as erratically as the pulses inside me. I rubbed faster and harder. Burning red lust poured through my veins, consuming me with an uncontrollable need as I got very,veryclose.

Heat rushed to my head like a tsunami, and I shattered with a scream, “Fuck!”

Pure bliss followed the rush, and I shuddered and moaned through it. Dropping my head back on the rolled-up towel under my head, I sighed and gently pulled the toy out. I wondered if I had gotten him out of my system…

The scary answer was that I would not know until I spoke to him again, which terrified me.



Sam did not sulk on the way home. She didn’t do much of anything except stare out the window. Gritting my teeth, I looked at Harper. She looked worried and chewed on her lower lip, something her mother had done so frequently that it made my heart trip.

God knew I was not ready to have that talk later on, but Miss Everett had been assured it would be the first chink into breaking into her armor. We would talk at the riverside, and I would try to coax out whatever bothered her if it took me a hundred years.

Miss Everett had tried to convince me that my absence was not why Sam was being so…confrontational, but I knew I had a part to play in her actions. After all, she had taken my stoic nature, and while I had once considered it a good thing, something that would protect her was now shutting us all out.

When we went to the ranch, I sent them up to their rooms to wash for dinner, and when Harper scampered off, I held Sam back. Her eyes flickered with fear, but I kept my tone calm, “After dinner, I want to walk with you, okay? I’m not mad, I promise. Okay?”
