Page 16 of Healing the Heart

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Ah, the dreaded day a man found out his little girl had eyes for a boy. “I know you might not like it, but it’s possible. And I suspect she might like Tyler.”

A strangled groan left him, and he sank six inches into his seat, almost shrinking into himself. It was almost comical but for the pure distress radiating over his face. I kept my expression neutral. “I know, it’s every dad’s nightmare knowing their little girl is starting to like boys.”

He snorted and raked a hand through his hair. “At least they start later than boys do. I wanted a wife when I was in the third grade.”

Our eyes met, held, and my heart lurched. His expression was light and teasing, holding the same glimmer from that night in the coffee shop. John looked almost devilish, and then his gaze shifted, his eyes turning deep, mysterious, and daring simultaneously. The color was the deepest blue I’d ever seen. I’d probably drown in them if I were close enough.

He stared at me, unflinchingly silent…and the air shifted.

I swallowed hard, trying to shift into business mode, but my heart was pulsing in my throat. Despite all this, I needed to find a way to keep it together around him instead of turning into putty every time he looked my way.

Yet my belly still fluttered, some feminine part of me helplessly captivated by the fact that such a handsome, sensual man would look at me with burning possession in his eyes.

“Erm…” My legs clenched tight under the table as I battled for anything to say.

John stood and went to the door; the click of the lock sounded ominous, and something hot and cold darted up my spine. What was he doing?

He grasped my chin, forcing me to meet his smoldering gaze. “I never forgot about you, you know.”

Whatdo I say to that?

“I—” I clenched my eyes tight, warring my common sense with my desire. “…Don’t do this.”

“Do what, Rayna?” he asked, and I could feel the heat of his gaze burning a landing strip over my skin.

Please don’t tempt me with something we both know I can’t have.

“I…we can’t,” my words came out a bare octave above a whisper. “It would be a massive conflict of interest.”

“You’re right, it is,” he replied, and I did not dare take a breath of relief because I sensed more was coming. “It would be all shades of wrong, upside down and sideways, but how long are we supposed to pretend we don’t feel the same—”

“I don’t—”

His eyes narrow. “Don’t lie to me. You want a second roll in the sheets just as I do…” He reached over the table and fixed a hand around my neck, leaning in to whisper a kiss over my lips, lick the seam and then bite on my lower lips.

The shock of wetness between my legs told me my denial of wanting him was longer than a certain river in Egypt.

“It’s not proper,” I said, and my deflection felt so weak I cringed.

“Yes, it’s not,” John replied, millimeters away from my lips. “But tell me something here and now. Do you want me? If you don’t, I’ll leave.”

“And if…” I swallowed, hating how my resolve just crumbled with this man. “…I do? What…what possibly could happen?”

He grinned, and I felt like I’d just made a deal with the devil. “So many,manythings. And I can’t wait to show youallof them.”



Iknew I’d played dirty with Rayna while discussing Sam, for God’s sake, but I wasn’t about to play some maypole dance around what I wanted, or in this case,whoI wanted. I’d gotten what I wanted, but in doing so, I had checked off about a dozen boxes ofwrong.

It was callus of me to seduce her;check.

It was the worst place to proposition her;check.

If this went sideways, I would make a massive mess for Sam;check.

I would be forcing us to sneak around like a pair of coyotes at midnight;check.
