Page 18 of Healing the Heart

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God, I hope this didn’t mean he would quit. “Sometimes, yeah,” I said. “But most times, we have a hand on ornery old beasts like him.”

A little color had returned to Scott’s face. “Why isn’t he on the butcher's table if he is that old?”

“As bad as he is, he is one of our best studs,” I replied. “You know what, Scott, take it easy this evening, okay? I know that had to be a fright.”

“Nah,” he shrugged, then turned back to his tools. “It scared me right, but I still got a job to do. Thanks, though, and I keep that offer for a rain check.”

“No problem,” I replied, watching Ben continue untying Goliath.

It stood, shook its head, and went off to a patch of grass to graze. With a sigh, I tipped my hat back and gazed up at the cloudless, late-spring sky, its fierce blue contrasting with the red-shouldered hawk riding the thermals over the valley. The rocky outcroppings were dotted with cedar, prickly pear cactus, and tufted grasses.

Turning, I gazed over at the property line and up to a ridge, and a flash of movement along the ridgeline caught my attention. With a tight grimace, I recognized the neighboring ranch’s current owner, Brandon West, mounted on his gray gelding, and a woman, Maria, his secretary, his partner in trying-to-outdo-me-at-every-turn and possibly girlfriend, followed on a brown mare. The two were mean peas in a pod, and I did my best to ignore their machinations.

“Kid’s got a point,” Ben approached me and nodded to Scott. “It is about time we get rid of the old fart.”

“I guess,” I replied. “A few last harvests first, then we can send him to pasture.”

“Got it,” Ben sighed, plucking his hat off and wiping his face, the gray in his beard contrasting his tan skin. “This heat is a killer. We don’t get Indian Summers this early.”

“Maybe it’s a heat wave,” I suggested, getting back on my horse. My mind landed on Rayna, and I wondered—hoped—that she would come over. “Either way, let’s get this round-up done. I’ve got things to do.”

* * *

After two o’clock, I returned to the ranch, hustled up the stairs to grab a cold shower, and wondered what was for dinner. Ella didn’t have a set menu for each week, and our meals were made by what spirit told her to make.

“Rayna…” I rolled my neck. “…shall I see you today?”

The water washed over my head, and I grabbed a shampoo bottle, dumped half the contents in my hand, and began to scrub the grime out of my hair. I hoped she did come so we could get somewhere with Sam.

Finished, I stepped out and grabbed two towels, rubbed my hair dry with the shorter one, and wrapped my waist with the other. Dropping the towel, I stepped into my boxer briefs and jumped into my jeans when someone knocked on my door.

It was probably Sarah. “Come in.”

But…it was not my old friend. Instead, Rayna stood at the door, eyes wide as dinner plates.

I guessed my prayers had been answered.

This was not the first time she had seen me naked—or half naked—but her eyes still traced over my chest like a map, the trail under my belly button leading to the treasure chest. Her eyes snapped up, red flooding her face.

“Um, s-sorry, I got turned around s-somewhere, and I knocked on the wrong door and—” she spluttered. “A Miss Ella sent me up to find Samantha and—"

I shrugged on a t-shirt. “It’s fine, darlin’. I certainly don’t mind.” Sitting on a chair, I tugged a pair of boots on. “I’m glad you came. Have you ever been on a ranch this size before?”

“No,” she replied. “I have not seen much of it, but from the size of the gate, I can see it's massive.”

“Not that massive,” I replied. “We’re a stud ranch, not one of the big beef suppliers. C’mon, I’ll show you around.”

“Thanks, but I’m here to find Samantha,” she said bashfully. “Maybe next time?”

Boots on, I stood, went over to her, and wondered how best to do this.

I decided it was best to proceed cautiously and take small steps. After studying Rayna, I held her hand and momentarily rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. With the other, I trailed my knuckles along her cheek, smiling when her breath hitched.

There was a stilted silence, but I broke it, my voice suddenly deep and husky. “You’re stunning. You know that?”

Her lashes fluttered as I stroked her skin softly, and her cheeks flushed red. Rayna looked at my lips, and I saw the same longing in her eyes that burned through my chest.

I didn’t have to sift through a mountain of memories to remember their heat and fullness on mine, the way they had wicked kissed over my skin, and I found my body reacting. God, I wanted that again, wanted her again.
